Mr. Gladstone expressed again the gratitude he felt for the
loyal support given, and repudiated altogether the word "com- promise," which had been applied to his intentions, but reminding the House that the Government could not but attach infinitely more importance to saving the Bill than suited the views of the extreme Irish party, he resolutely refrained from a single word of political passion. In amend- ment after amendment, however, "lie gave place by subjection, no, not for an instant," sometimes complimenting the Lards' motive as he set aside their proposal, sometimes adopting their words where they expressed neatly the intentions of the Govern- ment, but not conceding one substantial change, except the omission of Mr. Parnell's amendment, in derogation of the declared policy of the Government. Aud then, when lie bad done his work, Mr. Gladstone slipped away, without even one- concluding word of congratulatory review. No Minister in such a position ever achieved a greater victory for his policy by the help of absolute self-effacement.