NEWS OF THE WEEK T HE call issued from Algiers to
the enslaved nations of Europe is significant. The momentary pause after the reduction of Sicily wakens great expectations, particularly in view of the decisions that may be taken at any moment at Quebec. Germany, where Goebbels is openly admitting his country's impotence in the face of British and American air-attack, is awaiting new offensives in the west or south while her man-power is being exhausted and her generals out-generalled at half-a-dozen points . on the vast Russian front. The immediate problem is Italy and Marshal Badoglio's intentions. On that his broadcast address to Sicily on Wednesday gives .the only public clue, which is not illuminating, though the obvious care of the Marshal to use no provocative words is noteworthy. With hundreds of thousands of Italian workers in Germany, many divisions of Italian troops marooned An the Balkans and ten or more German divisions in Italy, he is no free agent, and private discussions with the Allies may be necessary before acceptance of the essential " unconditional surrender " stipulation can be indicated. Even so, there may not be long to wait for it. If there is, more Italian cities will suffer the terrible fate of Milan and Turin. Meanwhile Sicily, .whose welcome of the Allies as liberators seems to have been perfectly genuine, will provide the first working example of Allied administra- tion of conquered territory. A.M.G.O..T.—the Allied Mission for the Administration of Occupied Territory—has come in for some not very obviously merited criticism. An interview in the News Chronicle last week with Lord Rennell, the head of the Mission in Sicily. suggested that the work there was being carried out with efficiency and wisdom. The future role of A.M.G.O.T. in relation to liberated countries which have governments, temporarily in exile, ready to take responsibility at any moment, has still to be defined. Its co-operation in such cases may be invaluable, but there must be no question of imposing it on, for example, Czechs or Dutch or Belgians.