Sir: I agree with all that Paul Johnson had to
say in response to the Guardian's igno- rant attack on senior commanders and their official houses, including his assessment of the public view of minister and politicians as guttersnipes. In his spirited defence he did not mention that wining, dining, and providing free accommodation for a stream of mostly unwanted and uninvited 'visiting firemen', results in most senior comman- ders being out of pocket, because the enter- tainment allowance is inadequate. Unfortu- nately, Paul Johnson's wish that 'someone who carries more weight' than he does `would rise to their [the senior officers] defence', is unlikely to be granted. I allude of course to ministers who can speak out, and not to senior commanders who cannot.
After a particular secretary of state had left to catch his flight back to England after staying with a senior commander, his host's batman reported that their visitor had removed from the guest bathroom the shampoo, soap, and towels put out for his use. Perhaps, in his ignorance, he thought they had been paid for out of the defence budget, and were perks of the job.
Major General Julian Thompson
The Army and Navy Club, Pall Mall, London SW1