20 AUGUST 1994, Page 39


DIARY 1995

£12 Plain £13 Initialled

The Spectator 1995 Diary, bound in soft black leather, will shortly be available. Laid out with a whole week to view, Monday to Sunday, the diary is 5" x 3". Initials (maximum of 4) can be embossed on the cover in gold if required.

Christopher Howse recommends enchanting pubs staggeringly close to very pretty churches. Anne Applebaum explores the great houses and castles of Mitteleuropa, while Martin Vander Weyer suggests one night stands in France. Simon Courtauld discloses the secrets of Irish country houses and Giles Auty explores European museums and galleries. Auberon Waugh on the best wines of 1994 and Frank Keating's sporting comments for 1995. Nigella Lawson, Alasdair Palmer, Tabitha Troughton, Rebecca Nicolson, and Luis Dominguez reveal their favourite restaurants. Useful telephone numbers are listed covering the press, politics, theatres, London clubs and bookshops, To reserve your diary for 1995 fill in the form and return it together with your cheque or credit card details to the address below. Payments will be processed on receipt and diaries will be despatched from mid-October. (Please allow 2 weeks for initials).

There are only 3,000 Spectator Diaries available, so order now.

The Spectator Diary is available only from The Spectator.

Photography by Roger Blake. Acorn Sudios.

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