20 AUGUST 2005, Page 20

British isn’t always best

From Dr Christoffel Schoneveld Sir: Mark Steyn (‘All men are not equal’, 13 August) is very entertaining indeed. But as a Dutchman I feel somewhat put down by his pro-British stance. The Dutch legacy in Indonesia is not something to be proud of and indeed Malaysia has fared much better. On the other hand, Nigeria and Zimbabwe are bad examples of what the British have left behind. The British legacy in matters of law and literature is an aspect of their culture we should admire. But let us not also forget what the Jewish, Germanic and Roman cultures have brought us in terms of music and painting (aspects of culture on which the British have had less impact). The impact of French administration and government on Western societies and some colonies should not be ruled out, either.

Christoffel Schoneveld

Clifton Beach, Australia