20 DECEMBER 1828, Page 2


STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EVENING—The transactions in our market this week, although of no great extent, and conveying nothing of the ex- citement of frequent fluctuations, have yet been of considerable interest, on account of the material indications which they have presented of re- turning confidence. The total advance of the week indeed is trifling—it does not go beyond the highest price of last week (viz. 574. for Consols) ; but it has been in this instance attended by an equal or even greater ad..

vance in the value of all the heavy Stocks, and of Exchequer Bills and India Bonds. Money is likewise become more abundant, and is readily obtained in the Stock Exchange at a lower rate of interest, although out- of-doors discounts of all but first-rate bills are still obtained with diffi- culty. Without attempting to speculate on the causes of this general improvement, we hail it with great satisfaction, and trust it may conti- nue. Judging from present appearances, indeed, we should say that a further improvement is not improbable, especially if the Corn market continues to fall : of this last, however, we fear there is no great proba-

bility: The last price of Consols this afternoon for the opening in January, was 87i to 4; 4 per Cents. 1826, were done at 104; 34 per Cents. at 951 ; and Exchequer Bills at 70.. pm.

In the Foreign market there has been little or no business all the week, and prices are at nearly what they were stated at in our last report. On the arrival of positive news to-day of the ratification of peace between Brazil and Buenos Ayres, the Bonds of the latter State advanced to 49 ; while those of Brazil were very smightly &Vatted, not more indeed than per Cent. being now about di. Portuguese Stock has not improved, and in fact is now lower than it has been for- the last three months—say 531 to Russian Stock is steady at 9:.q. Colombian has advanced a little-231 to i. Mexican 6 per Cents about 394. Spanish, flat and ne- glected at 10.

In Shares, we have to report an advance of 4/. in Colombian Mining shares, in consequence of news [coin these Mines of very favourable cha- racter. But there is little or no business doing.

ONE O'CLOCK.—The market looked well at the opening, and there were buyers of Consols at 871; but the present state of it is not so favourable, the nearest price being now only 874. There is not, however ,much busi- ness doing. Money is become more abundant.

In the Foreign market there is literally nothing doing.

Bank Stock, div. per Cent.'2091 Chilian, 25

3 per Cent. Reduced, 6:>1 a Colombian, 3 per Cent. Consols, shut Ditto, 1824, 234 34 per Cent. 1818, 95 Danish, 3 per Cent. 63 34 per Cent. Reduced, Greek 5 per Ceut. New 4 per Cents. 1822, shut Mexican

4 per Cents. 1826, 1044 Ditto 6 per Cent. 394

Long Annuities, (which expire 5th Jan. Neapolitan 5 per Cent. 1860) 19 7-16 4 Peruvian, 6 per Cent. 184 194

India Stock, div. 104 per Cent. Portuguese, 5 per Cent. 534 South Sea Stock, div. 34 per Cent. Prussian,

India Bonds, (4 per Cent. until March, Russian, 954

1829, thereafter 3 perCent.) 72 pm. Spanish, 10 104 Exchequer Bills, (interest 2d. per Cent. SHARES. per Diem,) 70, 68 pm. A nglo.Mexican, Consols for the opening, 21 Jan. (induct- Brazilian, Imperial,

ing div.) 874 4 4 Real Del Monte, FOREIGN FUNDS.

Austrian Bonds, 5 per cent. United Brazilian Bonds, 634 6-44 nairtsa FUNDS. Buenos Ayres 6 Cent. 484 49 FOUR o'CLocs.--.Consols for account, 87/. THE KING'S Coe cr.—His Majesty held a Court, on Monday, at Windsor Castle— A Privy council was afterwards held, and it was agreed that Parlia- ment should be summoned for the despatch of business on Thursday the 5th of February next.

The king has not yet been out from the Castle since taking up his resi- dence there, nor has he entertained any company. Notwithstanding, his Ma- jesty is in the enjoyment of excellent health.

WINDSOR Ess-rivrriss.—The address of the good people of Windsor, glad that " the shout of a King is heard among them," was presented to his Ma- jesty on Monday, by the Earl of Aberdeen, and " very graciously received ;" which was only reasonable, seeing how fine the address was: we extract a paragraph—" When we look up to the proud Keep and Castle of Windsor, the renowned residence of so many Kings, and now the favoured abode of your Majesty, we exultingly contemplate an object filled with the monuments of our ancient national glory, and now, under the renovated and improved form given to it by your Majesty, presenting the most beautiful combination of venerable grandeur with modern art, as if the days of Cressy and Poictiers had been brought into unison with those of Trafalgar and Waterloo, and the march of time been made to harmonize with the victories and improvements of the present age."

The publid dinner on Tuesday, in the Town-hall, is said to have been " one of the best-conducted ever witnessed ;" and " every seat was filled at the ap- pointed hour." The poor were also enabled, through the liberality of their richer neighbours, to join in the festivities of the day ; bread, meat, and beer, were distributed to about three thousand individuals. It was mentioned by the Chairman, that the King had given one hundred guineas to the poor of the town.

It must no longer be said, to our reproach as a nation, that the King's lodg- ings are shabby. " Windsor Castle, (we quote from the Express, the news- paper of the town,) with all its noble recollections, has burst forth into a new existence ; and its second founder and present illustrious occupier may now boast a prouder palace than most of the potentates of Europe."

Sir Henry Halford has a suite of apartments assigned to him in Windsor Castle, of which lie took possession a few days since. They adjoin his Ma- jesty's sleeping-room.

The young Queen of Portugal will he received by his Majesty, with the pomp and ceremonies becoming her rank, on Monday, the 22d.

Another Court Mourning began on Sunday, for the Dowager Queen of Saxony.

The Duke of Sussex is to spend the Christmas holydays with Mr. Coke at Holkham.

The Marquis of Chandos's shooting party consists at present of the Duke of Wellington, Lord Beresford, Lord Hotham, Sir George Murray, Sir Henry Hardinge, Mr. Peel, Mr. Herries, Mr. Wm. Peel, and Mr.Holmes.--Standard.

It is said that the Earl of Dudley is to receive the Blue Riband, vacant by the death of the Earl of Liverpool.

The Earl of Belmore, the newly-appointed Governor of Jamaica, has loft town for Dorchester. His Lordship will, it is expected, embark in the course of a week for Jamaica, to enter on the duties of his office.

Parliament was formally prorogued'on Thursday, till the 5th February. The Commissioners were the Lord Chancellor, the Duke of Montrose, and Lord Melville.

RETRENCHMENT.—It is said that the Ministers will be prepared, on the open- ing of the session, to announce to Parliament considerable retrenchments in various departments ; and it is anticipated as possible that taxes to the amsunt of a million will be reduced. Among the subjects for retrenchment, the Militia Staff and the Half-pay of the Army have been mentioned. Con- cerning the Militia Staff, letters have already been addressed to the Lords '.ieatenants of counties; and the circulars which have been published ad- dressed to half-pay officers, are said to be preparatory to the enforcement of regulations by which half-pay will be withheld from many persons, provided for in civil occupations, to whom it is now allowed. Even in India, reductions, it is said, are to be made.—Globe.

The frauds upon the half-pay fund are said to amount to no less than 50,0001. a quarter, or 200,0001. a year.—Morning Herald.

Sir George Murray has instituted the strictest inquiry into the Colonial Office ; and nutch present saving, as well as future benefit to the public, is likely to result front his reforming inquisition.—Morning Post.

MYSTERy.—The Pallas frigate sailed on Sunday from Portsmouth with sealed orders. By some this event is c-nnected with the blockade of the Darda- nelles, by others with the occupation of the Mores by the French.

STATE OF N E`NGA.TI:.—At a meeting of the Court of Aldermen, on Tuesday, a letter from Mr. Peel to the Lord Mayor, regarding the state of the prismon of Newgate, was read, and referred to the Prison Committee. Time letter called upon the Aldermen and Sheriffs to act in accordance with the provisions of the 4th of George 1110 rour;h; relative to the manner of treating prisoners in that gaol, particularly as to the mode of classification. It appears that, notwith- standing all that has been. said about classifying prisoners, the state of New- gate remains unchanged. The accommodation is so limited, that the most experienced and abandoned robbers are hourly associated with children who have just been imprisoned for a first offence. The Morning Chronicle says, that it has been ascertained by Mr. Peel, " that the greatest insubordination has for some time existed in the prison—insubordination even amounting to preparations for escape by intended acts of the most desperate violence. 4V hen the forty-nine convicts under sentence of death were associated together every day, because it WAS impossible, in so limited a prison, to stow 540 pri- soners -without crowding all the daily rooms, the greatest danger was to be apprehended. Some of the most desperate had actually laid a plan of escape, by falling upon the turnkeys at the hour of locking up. They had been heard concerting the plan of attack, and the necessary measures of prevention were of course immediately adopted. If resolute conduct had not been resorted to, no doubt the prison would have been a scene of bloodshed. There was scarcely a man amongst this number of capital convicts, who did not expect to be hanged, and still there was no possibility of separating the conspirators—con- spirators to save their own lives, and of course wholly regardless of the conse- quence of the attempt on the lives of others." Toe Court of Aldermen knew all this, but they applied no corrective. They are said to be of opinion, that the only remedy is to make room by hurling off the convicts with all possible speed, to their destinations. One Alderman has suggested that there ought to be a separate prison for persons committed from the civil courtsfor contempt. COMMON COUNCIL:A Court was held on Thursday, for the despatch of general business. Petitions connected with projected Improvements in the City were referred to Committees. A gratuity of IOW. was voted to Mr. Gold- ham, the superintendent of Billingsgate-market, for his great diligence and attention in preventing the sale of unwholesome fish. The grant is to he con- tinued, if he continue his exertions. An artist obtained leave to copy the por- trait of Mr. Chamberlain Clark, by Sir Thomas Lawrence, with a view to its being engraved. Mr. Pavel!, on presenting a report from the Finance Coin- mittee„made various remarks on the income and expenditure of the City. The management of the prisons was one source of expenditure in which some saving could be made; - for the City was called upon to pay 15s. in the case of Hunton, for every 5s. that the County paid. The expenses of the witnesses had cost the City 1006. The report recommended a grant of 31,000/. to- wards building the new Fleet-market, beyond the original estimate. It was agreed that the use of the Guild-hall should he given to the Refugee Com- mittee, for a concert. vlhe report of the Bridge Committee. recommending the plan of an approach to the bridge by an arch over Thames-street, was adopted.

EAST HousE.—A Quarterly General Court of Proprietors was held on NVednesday, when the dividend for the hainyear was declared to be 5i per cent. on the capital stock. Mr. Poynder then wished to be informed whe- ther any steps had been taken to abolish suttees,—a system he said, of autho- rized but appalling murder. Mr. Astel, the chairman said, that a despatch from the Bengal Government mentioned that the local authorities in some parts were for putting down the practice; while others, where suttees were rarely resorted to, did not think the subject worthy of marked attention. The number of suttees in 1824 was 572; in 1825, 639 ; in 1826, only 518 ; being a diminution of 121 as compared with 1825. 'This number, Mr. Poynder observed, was at the rate of eight-and-forty human sacrifices for each month of these two years. Mr. Hume said, that these sacrifices were neither in ac- cordance with nor authorized by the religion of the Hindeos ; and he did not think that there could be any danger in putting them down. Mr. Hume com- plained that the post-oflice authorities in India, not content with knowing to whom a letter was addressed, insisted also un knowing the name of the writer. This he thought approached to a system of aTionage. The practice was de- fended, on the ground of the facilities which it atanded to postmasters to re- turn letters addressed to persons who could not be found. Letters were never subject to a supervision for any public or private purpose whatever.

SCIENCE OF ANATOMY—A meeting of the Westminster Medical Society was held on Saturday, to consider what steps should be taken to render the report of the Commons' Committee on Anatomy serviceable to science. Se- vend medical gentlemen delivered their opinions on the subject; and resolu- tions, which are to form the basis of a petition to the House of Commons, were adopted. Dr. Somerville suggested, that the clause which authorized the bodies of murderers to be given ep for dissection should be repealed, as one means of diminishing the public dislike to dissection : he did not like the idea of the surgeon following in the train of the hangman, for the purpose of adding disgrace to punishment. He thought also that alt the unclaimed bodies of individuals who died in the public hospitals might be given to the surgeons.

ST. JAMES'S PARISH:A meeting of such or the parishioners as feel an in- terest in the intended act to be introduced into Parliament for the better regu- lation of the parish expenditure, was held on Wednesday evening, at Mr. Canty's rooms, Pall-mall. The meeting was addressed at considerable length by Mr. lames and Mr. Becket, of Golden-square ; and resolutions for Ihe amp- port of the bill were unanimously passed. Both these gentlemen mentioned instances of the profuse expenditure of the parish funds by the Select Vestry. There was 271. for fresh trees that had been planted round the workhouse. The stun of I2/.11s, was paid to an accountant to teach the clerk how to keep his books. Since 1817, the expense of visiting the poor children at Wimbledon, had increased from 301. to 851. There are some comfortable places under the parish management,—the accountant treasurer's situation,- emoluments included, was suppused to be worth nearly 12001. a year, while the labour was trifling.

MR. LUSHINCTON AND THE ELECTORS OF CANTERBURY.—A meeting of the freeholders of Canterbury was held on Tuesday evening, at the King's Head Tavern, Smithfield ; when resolutions were passed condemnatory of the con- duct of Mr. Lushington, now Governor of Madras, in hav ing carried their elec- tive franchise to the 1:;:tat Indies, instead of vacating his seat. A draft of a bill is preparing, to have his election declared null : it is to be brought into the HWIEC of Commons. by Mr. A. Baring.

ELECTION FOR CUMBERLAN C.—Sir James Graham of Nethorhy has resigned his seat for Carlisle, and started for tine county of Culotte: imal, vacant IT the death of Mr. Curwett. It seems (linden:1 if In will LOOK with !my opposition, no other candidate having as yet been a n11.1iinced. Mr. James, whit nunterly represented Carlisle, will, it is suppese.I. simply the vacumet- ie that city. The writ for Cumberland will be iasued eimet ah:se of tie. f.

THE DISSENTE tee app.,

their successful application 10 Parliament for r, :c'. J ma, Test Acts, have, on :op:teeing, agreed to a nee:holm oxpreseoe limit de-

sire "fir the future in of all laws interfering with rights of conscience, and attaching civil disabilities to religions faith aml vv: ml Tits BAZAAR sox THE PtEFUGEES...—SOO.0 to open a bazaar at the West enii the Lawn and Italian refugees. emeami aloe/Ma have commenced the scheme;

Carlisle, Cowper, loaly Ge• rgiam.

have impreased the Duke of Wellim. ‘:commuted that all their :caeca si;o, street." The oreareet, \vhicii mills and giants cf thropy upon :umlaute, a ha:, lies bum ine—litcoally sent .m: A hall at Grove-Louse, Cam' aid of the subscription.

Foe i c; os a IN E am-oh—Tim a :ha 0, mattge - consisting of troops of the line, are to einem IS at lay inouti, to-d:... ail,: aec,,,,,i division, consisting of volunteers and civilians, is to embark as soon as trans- ports are ready to receive them.

LORD LIVERPOOLS FUNERAL—The remains of Lard Liverpool were on Monday morning removed from his Lordship's residence at Combo-wood, for interment in the family vault in Gloucestershire. The carriage and six of the Duke of Clarence followed the hearse„ together with those of the relatives of the deceased. The funeral was conducted with unostentatious propriety ; and was accompanied with a tribute of affectionate gratitude from the inhabitants of Kingston, to which place Lord Liverpool had long been a benefactor. It is said that on opening the head of the deceased, a portion of the brain was found soft, with a portion of water suffused over it: a part of one of the in- ternal iliac veins was found ossified to the extent of an inch, so that the ca- vity was obliterated: the liver was quite sound, though some of the faculty had presumed otherwise.

THE HOLY' AYS.—On. Tuesday, the students of the College, to the number of five hundred and seventy-five, left Eton for the Christmas vacation. At the request of his Majesty, the head master (Dr. Keate), gave notice of an ex- tra week's holyday.—Thadsor Express.

The Rev. Dr. Butler has tendered his resignation of the situation of head master of Harrow school.

Cons Tuann.—A large quantity of corn has been purchased on the Con- tinent, as bills to a large amount have been received this morning by the Flanders mail, chiefly drawn on our country eonedealers.—Globe, Thursday.

PAPER CURRENCY:A meeting has been held at Manchester for the pur- pose of entering into resolutions respecting the circulation of local notes. The meeting, which consisted of many of the leading capitalists of different parties, resolved to discountenance the circulation of all notes of 101. and under. The ob- ject is said to lie to prevent the Joint-Stack Bank, which is about to be esta- blished in Manchester, from issuing notes of this description.

SPANISH Woe/Ia.—We mentioned some time since, that among the places from whence, in the general deficiency of the harvest in the North of Europe, supplies have been unexpectedly obtained was Spain. There is a good illus- tration of the state of that country in the facts connected with this supply, which of late has been considerable, and of the best quality. Wheat is not now more than 20s. a quarter in Castile, and it has been as low, or even lower, at times when the prices in Barcelona and some other parts of the coast have been as high as in England. The wheat with which our markets have been lately supplied has been brought from the interior on the backs of mules at a . cost for which, in spite of the low original value, nothing but the extraordi- nary prices which have been obtained for the finest wheats hit this country would have been remunerating.— Globe.

CLERICAL ANTI-CATHOLIC Merruso.—At a meeting of the clergy of the deaneries of Richmond, Catterick, and Boroughbridge, held at the King's Head Inn, Richmond, on Thursday week, it was agreed to petition against further concessions to the Catholics. The sentiments expressed were mild and tolerant. Several speakers were of opinion that emancipation should be granted the moment the Established Church could be secured in its ascen- dancy. Carnomc Aasoc IATION.—At a meeting ott Friday, the Secretary stated that Lord Killeen, and the other noblemen who had been asked to form part of the " mission" to England, had declared the impossibility of their doing so. It is

understood that the " mission" has been given up. In a debate upon another question, Mr. O'Connell mentioned as a fact, which he had upon good autho- rity, that the draught of an emancipation bill was written out by Mr. Tyndall, the counsel for the Government ; that the Duke of Wellington himself had given it to the Bishop of Chester, with directions to carry it to the other Bishops, for the purpose of obtaining their assent to it ; and that the Duke himself will bring it into the Lords. This bill opens both Houses of Parlia- ment to the Catholics ; but with the reservation, that a Catholic member is not to vote on any subject touching the Church. The bill also contains a mo- dified veto, giving to the Government the power of preventing; any person from being a CatholijBishop, on the ground that he was disaffected. If this were true. Mr. O'Connell contended that the bill could never be acceded to. He said that lie had derived his information from a near connexion of one of the Bishops. Mr. Lawless gave it as his belief that Mr. O'Connell's story merited no attention whatever.

CATHOLIC AGGREGATE MEETING:ThiS meeting was held on Wednesday, Lord Killeen in the chair. It was resolved, that the Catholics should not accept of emancipation, coupled with any Government interference with their religious tenets. Another resolution was against the pensioning of the Catho- lic clergy ; a third, for the establishment of liberal clubs throughout Ire- land ; and a fourth, that two gentlemen from each county should accompany Mr. aCuunell when he went to claim his seat in Parliament. It was also proposed to petition for the removal of all disabilities from the Jews. alm YConnell repeated, on renewed assurances of its truth, his assertion that the Duke of %Vella:gem had proposed an emancipation bill :_an he had been inneimed by a gentleman who saw the plan in the Duke's heel vo at a !seem netting of the Association, Mr. O'Connell me:aim:ma as it piece ' am:lig:mem" which " very few" in the country knew hilt him- visa 10 meet on the 8th of February. The 811, of Fe- • . oft a Somata:.

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COURT OF CHANCERY, .." Foseenuem"—Mr, Reupel, on Wednesday,

' made an application to the Lord Chancellor for an injunction, under the fol- lowing circumstances. M. Defonvielle, a Frenchman, had (mine sortie time ago to this country with an invention fur clarifying the water by means of pass- ing it through a filtering composition ; but not having money enough to pay the fees on a patent, he was unable to obtain one. In this situation he applied to the plaintiff, Mr. 0. Robins (the auctioneer), who furniihed him with money for that purpose, and took from hint an assignment of the patent as a security. The want of funds also precluded the Frenchman from makinie' any beneficial use of it ; and it was afterwards agreed that Mr. Robins, Mr. Fisher, and M. Defonvielle, should carry on the manufacture and sale of the invented articles for their mutual benefit, the plaintiffs being to furnish the funds necessary for so doing. In pursuance of this agreement, which had not been reduced into writing, a manufactory was established, and a house taken in the Strand, the whole expense of which had been defrayed by the plaintiffs. The plaintiffs, however, had discovered that the defendant was making an improper use of the partnership name for his own private pur- poses; that he had drawn or accepted a bill in the name of the firm, which he had got discounted; and that he had sent similar hills without the know- ledge of the plaintiffs to Paris, where he endeavoured to get them discounted through a French banker. They then employed an agent to meet Defonvielle, and to ask him whether he had any partnership bills to dispose of. The de- fendant replied that he had ; and offered to sell a 1000/. bill on the partnership for 5001., and to procure similar bills to the amount of 3000/., which he would sell to the event for 1500/. ; adding, that if he could realize the latter sum, lie would go to Paris, thus become a bankrupt, and then the plaintiff's must be liable, and might be recovered against for the whole amount. The bill prayed a dissolution of the partnership, and an injunction in the mean time against drawing or negotiating bills in the company's name.—The Lord Chancellor granted the injunction.

COURT OF KING'S Bescm—In our latest impression, on Saturday night, we gave the conclusion of the interesting trial for libel brought by Mr. Bransby Cooper, against Mr. Wakley, the proprietor and editor of the Lancet. We briefly repeat the result, with the outline of the second day's proceedings, for the information of our country readers. The opening speech for the plaintiff; by SirJames Scarlett, occupied nearly four hours. Mr. Callaway, assistant-sur- geon of Guy's Hospital, Mr. Charles Ashton Key, Dr. Hodgkin, Mr. Travers, Mr. Green, Dr. Roget, Sir Astley Cooper, and other eminent surgeons, were examined for the plaintiff; and they were unanimous in their opinion that the operation which formed the subject of the libel was performed in a skilful manner : they also united in ascribing great professional abilities to Mr. Cooper. Mr. Wakley, in his reply, remarked on the circumstance, that of two hundred individuals, who, according to one of the witnesses, were present at the opera- tion, only one single spectator was produced by Mr. Cooper to refute the charge against him. The effect of Lord Tenterden's charge went, decorously, to a verdict for the plaintiff. The Jury deliberated for about two hours ; and, within a few, minutes of eleven at night, they returned a verdict for Mr.

• Cooper,- with 1001. damages as a compensation for the injury done to his character by the Lancet. The announcement of the verdict occasioned a burst of applause, which was suppressed in court, but expanded itself freely in the open air. The court continued crowded till the last moment.

COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. PAUL V. LADY tEMILY WELLESLEY.—The plaintiff is an upholsterer in Oxford-street : the defendant ordered a zebra book- case, and some other articles ; but after they had been delivered, she refused to pay for them. The defence was—first, that her Ladyship had repudiated the bargain, in consequence of the plaintiff's unmannerly conduct when she com- plained of the packing-cases—he called her " a damned liar," 8s.c. Secondly, it was shown that her Ladyship was married whom the articles were order- ed. The Judge, on this, directed a nonsuit. Mr. Williams, her counsel, then said, that her Ladyship would pay for the goods, on a deduction being made for the packing-cases.

PREROGATIVE COURT. MYNN a. RORINSON.—This was a suit to try the validity of a will ; which was resisted on the ground that it was the result of fraud, forgery, and conspiracy, supported by perjury. The question has been often before the Court, and is familiar to the public. Sir John Nicoll, on Thursday, decided that the will was not valid ; as, from the bodily infirmities of the deceased, it was impossible that she could have written the signature. The plaintiff; her husband, was condemned in all the costs of time suit.