20 DECEMBER 1834, Page 8


The Mary, Bibby, from Bombay to Liverpool; and Queen Mab, from Batavia to Co yes, have put into Mauritius leaky, and must discharge.

Arrived—At Deal, Dm. 15th, Sesostris. Yates, irum Madras. Off Penzance, Mk Eldon, M'Alpine, from New South Wales. At Bristol, 15th, Pearl. Sanders, from Mauritius. At Liverpool, 12114 Winscales, Fisher, from Bengal ; and 17th, John Tay lor, Crawford. from Bombay. At the Cape, Oct. 8th, Bland, Callen, from Liver- pool. At Mauritius, Aug. 27th, Doncaster. —; and Salacia, —, from London. At Bombay. Alig. 13:11, Charles Kerr. Brodie. from London. At Ceylon, Aug. 2d, Set,.. pings, Freeman, from London. At Batavia. Aug. 9i.h. Aurelius. Soule ; Cynthia, Graces; 11th Governor Findlay, Kennedy ; and 15th, titian Born. Harrison—all from Liverpool. At Van Diemen's Land. July 3;1. Meanwell, Morgan, from London; and 6t- . Clyde, Ireland. from Liverpool. At New South Wales, July 7th, Alice. Hepburn; 8th, Fussa. Addison; 11th, Caroline. Parker; 15th, Charles Eaton, Moore; 81111 22d, Red Rover, Walker—all from Loudon. At Canton. June 23d, Colisseuru, Stoddard, from London.

Sailed—From Gravesend, Dec. 14th, George the 3d, Mosey. for Van Diemen's Land. From Liverpool, 13th, Bencoolen. Brown. for Baiavia ; and Mary, l'eel, for Bombay: 14th. Bachelor, Ellis. for Van Diemen's Laud; and Freak, Bouch, for New South. Wales; and 17th, Courier, Davidson, for the Cape.