There seems to be a persuasion among the more stupid
or unprinci- pled Tory retainers in the country, that the days of CASTLEREAGH and SIDMOUTH, of spies and informers, packed juries ; and subservient judges, are about to return. Efforts are making in Scotland, we per- ceive from the Glasgow Argus, received this morning, to convert the most trifling and even laughable occurrences into matters of serious offence to the King's Government. Our readers may remember, that just before the late meeting of the Dundee Reformers in the Magdalen Yard, a flag with the inscription " No King !" was paraded about. The Provost very properly refused to preside at the meeting until it was removed. A dead duck (Scottice desk) was suspended from ano- ther flag, with a dagger stuck in its gullet, and the inscription on the flag was, " So perish the Duke and all such !" Some of the over eager members of the Tory faction in Dundee have put up the Sheriff-Sub- stitute (a very proper person for the work) to institute a solemn inquiry or "precognition" into this important business. The little ragged rascal who carried the" No King" flag, has decamped, or more probably has been removed by the parties who hired him, (for it is fairly presumed they were plotting Tories), lest he should tell the name of his real employers. Several persons in Dundee have been examined ; but the affair is justly laughed at by every honest man in the place, and would be utterly unworthy of notice, did it not serve to show that the impression prevails among the Tory party, that the time for doing acceptable service in this way has returned, and that similar exertions to those of OLIVER, CASTLES, &c. may be rewarded hereafter. But we would remind these busy persons, that there are two hereafters. It will not be forgotten, in Dundee more especially, that the same man who presided so actively in the proceedings against Mr. KINLOCH in 1819, was obliged to proclaim him at the market-place as first Member of Parliament for Dundee, in 1832.