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FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, DECEMBER 16, WAR DEPARTMENT, Pall Mall, Dec. 16.—Cavalt-y-12th Light Drags.—Major- Gen. Sir L. B. Lovell, K.C.B. to be Col. vice Gen. Sir H. J. Cumming, dec. infantry-74th Foot—Lieut.-Gen. C. A. Shawe to be Col. vice Lieut.-Gen. A. Thomson, C.B. dec.
Wen DEPARTMENT, Pall Mall, Dec. 19.—/rifaatra-55th Regt. Foot—Major-Gen. the Hon. G. Anson to be Cal. vice Lieut.-Gen. the Hon. H. E. Butler, deceased. 825 Foot—Major-Gen. N. Hamilton to be Col. vice Lieut.-Gen. F. M. Milman, dec. WAR DEPARTMENT, Pall Mall, Dec. 19.—Cavalry--6th Regt. Drag. Guards— Cornet W. B. Gifford, from the 9th Light Drags, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Johnston, who retired on the 3d June 1856. 4th Light Drags.—W. Chain jun. Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Ames, who retiree. infantry—Coldstream Guards—J. F. Hathorn, Gent, to be Ensign and
by purchase, vice the Hon. W. H. B. Ogilvy, who retires. 19th Foot—Lieut. G. S. Nutting has been permitted to retire from the service br
the sale of his commission.
27th Foot—Ensign H. S. Simeon to be Lieut. by purchase, Vice Garstin, who re.
tires ; 1. M. Caine, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Simeon.
30th Foot—D. Montagu, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Mackesy, whoa
retires. , $2d Foot—Lieut. A. Basuto to be Capt. without purchase, vice Birtwhistle, dec. ; Ensign H. G. Browne to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Bassruie. 37th Foot—Ensign G. Bagnall to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Webb, who retires ; M. A. Borthwick, Gent, to he Ensign, by purchase, vice Bagnall. 38th Foot—Capt. S. G. Quicke, from half-pay of the 38th Foot, to be Capt. vice Beswick, appointed Adjt. of a D6pot Battalion.
47th Foot—Capt: J. A. Lowry, from half-pay of the 47th Foot, to be Capt. vice Brevet-Lieut.-CoL H. M. Hamilton, promoted to the substantive rank of Major Unatt. under the Royal Warrant of the 6th Oct. 1854. 49th Foot—Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. C. Adams, from balf-pay Unatt. to be Major, vice Brevet-Lieut.-Col. King, whose brevet rank has been converted into substantive rank under the Royal Warrant of the 6th Oct. 1854; Capt. C. Fitz- gerald, from half-pay of the 49th Foot, to be Capt. vice Brevet-Lieut.-Col. ,C.
Adams, promoted to the substantive rank of Major Unatt. - 50th Foot—Ensign C. W. Isdell to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Massy, who retires.
55th Foot—Capt. S. W. F. Wilson, from half-pay of the 55th Foot, ti be Capt. vice Werge, whose brevet tank has been converted' into substantive rahk, ender the Royal Warrant of the 6th Oct. 1854;, Ensign A. J. Amott to be lieut. by purchase, vice Pirrie, who retires ; W. M. Frobisher, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Arnott, promoted.
725 Foot—Capt. R. Douglas, from half-pay of the 725 Foot, to be Capt. vice Ali- son, whose brevet rank has been converted into substantive rank, under the Royal Warrant of 6th Oct. 1854.
17th Foot—Capt. E. M. Long, from half-pay of the 77th Foot, to be Capt. vice Brevet-Lieut.-CoL G. H. S. Willis; promoted to the substantive rank of MajorUnatt. under the Royal Warrant of 6th Oct. 1854.
tnattached—The under-Mentioned officers to have their brevet rank converted into substantive rank, under the Royal Warrant of 6th Oct.- 1854, viz.—Major and Brevet-Lieut.-CoL J. H. King, from the 49th Foot. Capt. and Brevet-Lieut.-Col. H. M. Hamilton, 47th Foot, to have the substantive rank of Major. Capt. and Brevet-Lieut.-Col. G. II. S. Willis, 77th Foot, to have the substantive rank of MajOr. Capt. and Brevet-Lieut.-Cot C. Adams to have the substantive 'rank of Major. Capt. and Brevet-Major the lion. H. Clifford, from Rifle Brigade. Ca_pt. and Brevet-. Major W. H. D. Fitzgerald, from Ithatt. Capt. and Brevet-Major IL R. Werge, from 55th Foot. Capt. and Brevet-Major A. Alison, from the 72d Foot. To be Captains, without purchase—Lieut. J. Hunter, from half-pay 13th Foot, Staff Officer of Pensioners ; Lieut. V. Browne, from half-pay 13th Foot, Stall- Officer of Pensioners ; Lieut. V. Jones, from half-pay 8th Garrison Battalion, Staff Officer of Pensioners.
Hospital Staff=Assist.-Staff-Surg. J. Hendley to be Staff-Surg. of the Second Class, vice Daniell, appointed to the 1st West India Regt. ; Acting Assist-Surg. H. H. Woolhouse has ceased to do duty, there being no longer any occasion for his services. To be Assistant-Surgeons to the Forces—F. Oakes, Gent. vice Hendley, promoted on the Staff. Acting Assistant-Surgeons T. Ball, vice Barnett, appointed to the 6th Drags,; C. Puckley, vice Meare, appointed to the 50th Foot ; G. L. Hinde, vioe Muschamp, appointed to the Military Train ; .1. A. Turner.
Brevet.—The undermentioned officer, having completed three years' actual service on the 18th Dec. 1858, in the rank of Lieut.-Col. to be promoted to the rank of Col. in the Army, under the 'Loyal Warrant of 6th Oct. 1854--Lieut.-Col. S. W. Jephson,
of the 24 Foot. .
The undermentioned promotions to take place consequent upon the decease of the following General Officers—Lieut.-Gen. Sir ..T. Bolt, K.C.B. K.C. died Nov. 8, 1858; Lieut.-Gen. A. Thomson, C.B. died Nov. 23, 1856 ; Lieut.-Gen. Hon. H. E. Butler, died Dec. 7, 1856; Lieut.-Gen. Sir R. England, G.C.B. the Senior Supernu- merary Lieut.-Gen. to be placed upon the fixed establishment. Lieut.-Gen. A. Thomson, C.B. died Nov. 23, 1856; Gen. Sir H. J. Cumming, died Nov. 28, 1856; Lieut.-Gen. Hon, H. E. Butler, died Dec. 7, 1856; Brevet-Col. A. Fraser, half- pay 17natt.- to be promoted to the rank of Major-Gen. but is not entitled to the Un- attached pay of that rank; Brevet-Col. Lord C. Wellesley, half-pay Unatt. to be Major-Gea.; Lieut.-Col. W. C. E. Napier, Unatt. to be Cot.; Major H. E. Lang- den, 10th Foot, to be Lieut-Col.; Capt. D. W. Tench, (Staff Officer of Pensioners,) half-payl5th Light Drags. to be Major.
The Commissions as Major-Generals, with temporary rank, of the undermentioned officers have been antedated to the 24th July 1856—Brevet-Colonels W. F. Williams, R. Garrett, C. Warren, C.B., Lord W. Paulet, C.B., D. A. Cameron, C.B., C. 'Van. Stmubenzee, lion. A. A. Spencer, C.B., J. Lawrenson, W. Parlby, F. Horn, C.B., A. A. T. Cunyngliame, C.B., C.. 'ffirollope, C.B., A. J. Lawrence, C.B., H. Shirley, C.B. IL Rumley, Charles R: S. Lord West, C.B.
The undeinientioned promotion to take place in the East India Company s Army, consequent upon the death of Major-General S. Moody, Bengal Infantry, on 28th November 1856—Col. H. Haneock, Bombay Infantry, to be Major-General.
The undermentioned officers of the East India Gompany's Army, retired up'on full-pay, to have a step of honorary rank—Lieut.-Col. G. S. Brown, Bombay In- fantry, to be Colonel ; Lieut,-Col. .1. J. Hamilton, Bengal Infantry, to be Colonel. -