20 DECEMBER 1913, Page 25

READABLE NOVELS.—The Argyle Case. By Arthur Horn blow. (Harper and

Brothers. 6s.)—An American detective story partly founded on a play. The intelligent reader will have no difficulty in discovering the "curtains" of the different acts.—The Shadow of the Dragon. By Caecilia Moore. (Chapman and Hall. 6s.)—A story concerned with the white slave traffic in Shanghai. The horrors detailed are indeed terrible, but there is no reason why, as the author appears to think, readers should become suffragettes if they are in sympathy with the desire to put down this infamous traffic. —The Poor Little Rich Girl. By Eleanor Gates. (Hodder and Stoughton. 6s.)—The beginning of this story of the life of a millionaire's little daughter in New York is excellently done, but the chapters which describe her delirium during illness are not so entertaining.