Asioxo the illustrated books which have come too late for earlier notice the most imposing is a large edition of Sir J. M. Barrie's delightful sentimental comedy, Quality Street (Hodder and Stoughton, 15s. net), illustrated by Mr. Hugh Thomson with a most generous allowance of quits charming full-page coloured pictures.—There are two volumes of classic fiction illustrated by Mr. Gordon Browne, namely, Adam. Bede and Lorna Doone (W. and R. Chambers, 10s. 6d. net and 6s. net). He is a skilful and always competent artist, especially in his black-and-white drawings, though he shows no great fine inspiration nor the " bigness " for which one looks in a collaborator with George Eliot.—Mr. Foulis proceeds with his patriotic publication of John Galt's works and gives us this year The Provost (5s. net), illustrated by Mr. J. M. Aiken. His pictures are decidedly good, although his well-chosen models seem to wear rather more modern clothes than can have been seen in Ayrshire a century ago.—Mrs. Ewing's Jackanapes (S.P.C.K. and G. Bell and Sons, 2s. Gd. net) is bound up with Daddy Darwin's Dovecot and The Story of a Short Life. These always charm young readers by their delicacy in spite of their tear-compelling pathos, and Mr. H. M. Brock adds delight by his admirable illustrations.—Lastly, there is a new Compleat Angler (T. N. Foulis, 5s. net) illus- trated in colour quite suitably with very pleasant pictures by Mr. W. L. Hankey.