We heartily welcome a reprint of the speeches which were
made on November 5th by the Prime Minister, Sir Edward Grey, Lord Salisbury, Lord Selborne, the Duke of Devonshire, the Duke of Portland, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, and other distinguished men in support of the Cavendish Associa- tion (John Murray, 6d. net). The Association has been formed to encourage public-school and University men to take a more active interest in national, municipal, or social service, and to bear witness to the Christian spirit as the motive force of such service. Great Britain is one of the few countries in the world in which men of every shade of opinion can without political difficulty publicly confess to such a motive. That is a tremendous fact, and one of which use should be made. We sincerely hope that this pamphlet will. have a very wide circulation. It explains fully what the Cavendish Association is and exactly how anyone who wishes to help may do so.