THE LOEB ,CLASSICAL LIBRARY Five new volumes have just been
added to the invaluable Loeb Library. The most interesting is the first volume (there are to be two more) of Mr. J. C. Rolfe's translation of Arnmianus Marcellinus, the historian of the later Empire. In their original form the thirty-one books of, the Res Gestae of Anunianus covered the period from the accession of Nerva in A.D. 96 down to the death of Valens in A.D. 878, when he was defeated by the Goths at Adrianople. The first thirteen books, which owing to their vast scope cannot have been very detailed, are lost, and the remaining eighteen, which cover only the 25 years from A.D. 853 to A.D. 378, remain one of the most important sources for the history of the period.' The other volumes are the third and final book of Professor Basore's translation of Seneca's Moral Essays, Professor Sage's trans- lation of the 85th, 36th, and 87th Books of Livy, the second volume of Professor Oldfather's translation of Diodorus Siculus, and Mr. J. H. Vince'S translation of the final group of the Public Orations of Demosthenes. The price of each volume is 10s., if bound in cloth, and 12s. 6d., if bound in leather. Their value is ridiculously disproportionate to their price.