20 DECEMBER 1969, Page 27

Crossword 1409

1 Where Dad naturally gets a decoration! (6)

4 No nonsense about whiter than white for this princess! (8)

10 To win back make a second application (7)

11 It's vital in cargo (7)

12 Early spacecraft with a neat domestic touch? ( I 0) 13 'And the --- hum of men' (Milton) (4) 15 It's more than rigorous for the hindmost (7)

17 Upside-down poetically expressed (7) 19 Having a pea-jacket on or off? (7) 21 'This City now doth, like a — -, wear The beauty of the morning' (Wordsworth) (7) 23 Grey makes a fair shot (4) 24 Superfluous equipment in the kitchen of the Spraus? (ID) 27 Amorous poet of the Forest (7) 28 Etna's home town? (7) 29 One in opposition concerning a near rela- tive (8) 30 Like Thackeray's correspondence but colourless (6) Down 1 Down with it in Paris, when the Greek chorus speaks for the poet (9) 2 What the Pobble does audibly in a milky way? (7) 3 'And her hair was so — curled' (Kingsley) (10) 5 Hot work on the ptdals? (9) 6 Preempts the trousers! (4) 7 A Lydian air' perhaps (7) tive (8) 9 You can leave out the man of distinction with oomph! (4)

14 Superintendent gets a let-up in a reilecnve piece (10)

16 Red-blooded Gilbertian production (9)

18 Haydn's Count makes a queen sound a bit dim! (9)

20 Engages in breathing exercises (7) 22 Does this little sea creature shun ice? (7) 23 Love takes a rum turn about nothing (5) 25 Heel-bar refreshment? (4) 26 `---- all our love in this?' (Bridges) 4 Solution next week

Solution to Crossword 1408. Across: . Severity 5 Molock 9 Mortmain 10 Mental 12 Truant 13 Attended 15 Well and truly IX Improvidence 23 Packages 24 Sleuth 26 Remain 27 Colossus 28 Danish 29 Presided. Down: 1 Samite 2 Virtue 3 Romance 4 Trip 6 Overeat 7 Opted out 8 Holidays II Stances 14 Flailed 16 Simpered 17 Spacemen 19 Ovaries 20 Callous 21 Cursed 22 Chased 25 Hour