20 FEBRUARY 1847, Page 6

gbe Probintes.

A meeting of merchants and manufacturers, in Manchester, convened by the Mayor, was held in the Town-hall on Tuesday,. to promote the reduc- tion of the Tea-duties. A memorial for the reduction was ordered to be prepared; and a deputation of four gentlemen, one of them the Mayor, was named to present the memorial to the Government.

In consequence of the high price of food and the low rate of wages, agri- ' cultural labourers and their families are crowding into the workhouses. In. many Essex unions there have been more applicants for admission than the houses would hold, and the Guardians: have been compelled to give out- door relief. At the weekly meeting of the Andover Board, on Saturday, between fifty and sixty labourers applied for the admission of themselves, and families, or other relief. The inmates of the workhouse exceed by 137 the number at this time last year.

Extensive farming premises, valued with their contents at between two and. three thousand pounds, have been utterly destroyed by fire at Faversham. It is said that there is no doubt the fire was wilfully caused.

As a man named Thomas, who is employed by an iron-master, was walking at night between Ulverstone and Dalton, in Cumberland, he was fired at, and a bullet passed through his hat; two men then pounced on him • he knocked one down with a stick; but the other attacking him, he thought it best to ran away. It is surmised that the assassins mistook. Thomas for a maltater who had been collecting money.