20 FEBRUARY 1858, Page 13



The British Funds continue in their upward course ; a rise since the commencement of the week having taken place of fully. 11 per cent. At one time this morning Consols were 97 13-16, buyers,—an improvement since yesterday of per cent. This advance is chiefly owing to a report that it is the intention of the Chancellor of the Exchequer to reduce the rate of interest now payable on Exchequer Bills, and to the fact of the Bank of France having reduced the rate of interest yesterday to 4 per cent. Money continues in abundance, and applications at the Bank are very limited ; the average rate of discount is from 21 to 21 per cent. Consols at the be- ginning of the week were first quoted at 961 961, but rapidly advanced to 961, buyers : the last price today, after being 1 per cent higher, is 971 971. A good deal of business has been done, and the market closes firm. Reduced, 981981. New Three per Cents, 98 981. Bank Stock, 225 227. India, 220 222. Exchequer Bills, 34 38.

The Foreign Market has been extremely firm throughout the entire week ; most Stocks having considerably improved. Turkish Six per Cents at one time touched 104, and the Four per Cents were done at 1061. Peruvian Bonds are 2 per cent better than last week ; the approaching dividend bringing in buyers, the stock being looked upon as cheap even at the pre- sent price. The dividend on the Four.:and-a-lialfper Cents is payable on the i

• 1st March. Buenos Ayres Stock is now dealt n according to the new ar- . rangement : ex the Deferred Six per Cents, the quotation is 82 84, and the Deferred 19 20. Russian is flat, in consequence of a reported loan' about to be negotiated. In other Stocks the alteration has not been of Feat im- portance. Mexican, 201 20k; Turkish Six per Cents, 1011 102 ; Ditto Four per Cents, 1041 106 ; Brazilian, 103 106 ; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per • Vents, 83.844 Ditto Three'per Cents, 56 67 ; Venezuela, 34 36. Although the amount of business' passing in the Railway Market has been limited, Shares have been firm, and nearlyall quotations are considerably higher. Midland Stock has experienced a rise of 2, Great Western 1, Lou- don and North-Western 11, and Leeds 11 per cent. Today there is rather less firmness, but the markets are steady at the close. London and South- Western, 491 50 ; Caledonian Shares have improved 11 per share-481481 ; London and Brighton, 1071 Ion South-Eastern, 22 221; Midland, par

; Great Western, 64 614; London and North-Western, 1011 104 ; Lan- cashire and Yorkshire, 951 951.

The French Railway Share Market, although exhibiting no particular weakness, is extremely dull ; there being a complete absence of business. Northern of France, 381 39; Paris and Lyons, 341 35 ; Paris and Strasburg, 28 281.

The Indian Share Market has shown great firmness. East Indian Shares have improved from 4 to 5 per cent since the account last week ; the closing price today is 1121 1131. Great Indian Peninsula 201., 21/ 221 ; Madras 201., 21122. A great and sudden rise took place yesterday in the Shares of the Canada Land Company : they were the day before negotiated at 136, yesterday they were done as high as 175; there is less buoyancy today, the shares being about 201. cheaper. The cause of the improvement is the possession by the Canada Company of a large estate in Ottawa, now designated as the future capital of Canada.

SaTrunAx, ONE O'ClAcK.

There is no change to notice in the price of Securities ; Console were at one moment buyers at 961, but are now sellers at that price. Stocks and Shares are all dull and heavy ; the last transactions are as follows— Bristol and Exeter, 95 ; Caledonian, 951; Eastern Counties, 64 ; Edin- burgh and Glasgow, 691 ; Great Northern, 107; Ditto A Stock, 92 ; Great Western, 601 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 941; London and Blackwell, 64 ; London and North-Western, 1011; London and South-Western, 98 Midland, 991, North British, 534; North-Eastern—Berwick, 981; Ditto York, 83. Joint Stock Banks—Australasia, 87; English, Scottish, and Australian Chartered, 18 ; London Chartered Bank of Australia, 18; Ori- ental Bank Corporation, 38; Ottoman Bank, 201. Miscellaneous—Aus- tralian Agricultural, 261 ; British American Land, 37; Canada, 154; East- ern Steam, 44. SATURDAY, TWELVE o'Ciecs.

Owing to the defeat sustained by Ministers last night on the Conspiracy Bill, the Stock Markets have opened at a general decline ; in some in- stances it amounts tOmire than per 1 cent. Consols, which left off yesterday 971 4, are now quoted 961 L There is a rather active business doing. Foreign Stocks and Railway Shares are equally flat, and the average fall is 1 per cent all round. The Bank of England return of the stock of bullion for this week shows an augmentation of 756,4841.

3 per Cent Consols 96/ New 3 per Cents 06i 97 Peruvian 44 per Cents 82 84 Long Annuities 2 1-16 21 Ditto 3 per Cent 56 58

India Stock 220 222 Ditto 44 per Cents 99 101

Austrian 5 per Cents 90 93 Spanish 3 per Cents 441- 5 Belgian 44 per Cents 98 100 Sardinian 5 per Cents 91 93 Chilinn 6 per Cents 105 107 Swedish 4 per Cents bl 84

Danish 3 per Cents ..... Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed 1041 i 66 1004 1

1 Ditto 4 per Cents 4

BANK OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the %rel. ending on Wednesday the 17th day of Feb. 1868. lest. DEPARTMENT.

Notes issued £31,017,675 Government Debt C11,015,100

Other Securities 3,466,900 Gold Coin and Bullion 16,592,675 Silver Bullion £39,595,135 £39,595,138 • Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt,& Dividend Acct.

At the meeting of the London and North-Western Railway Company, yesterday, an attempt was made to get a larger dividend : the Directors proposed a distribution at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, leaving a con- siderable balance. Mr. Locke M.P. opposed this plan—all, or nearly all, the profits should be divided ; and he moved that the dividend be at the rate of 51 per cent per annum. This amendment was lost by a large ma- The Great Northern proprietors also met yesterday. An amendment was moved to stop a dividend of 2s. 6d. on the A Stock and give it to the holders of the B Stock : a matter which had been mooted and settled on former occasions. The amendment was negatived by an immense ma- jority. [At both these meetings the contest still pending between the two lines was discussed.]

The meeting of the Eastern Counties Railway proprietors, on Thursday, was a tame affair for that bellicose body. The report was considered favourable; the Chairman's speech was hopeful ; and the report was unanimously adopted. Some spirit, however, was thrown into the business by a squabble among the Directors respecting the rates of remuneration to the representatives of the different companies sitting at the Eastern Coun- ties Board ; showing that the elements of the Board are discordant. The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chairman and Directors. The dividend of the South-Eastern Railway is to be at the rate of 27. 6s. 8d. for the half-year. The dividend of the Caledonian Railway is to be at the rate of 5 bier cent per annum : for the last six months of 1850 it was only at the rate of 31 per cent per annum. In the year 1850 100/. stock of this railway could have been bought at 121; now it approaches par.

At a meeting of the Atlantic Telegraph Com ny, on Thursday, it was resolved to issue new shares to the extent of 75,1111. The projectors of the company are to receive 3760 paid-up tvienty-pound shares of the company as payment' for their rights, none of the shares to be sold till the cable is laid. Great improvements will be adopted when the second attempt is made to deposit the cable ; ships will begin to pay out the cable in mid- ocean, the shore ends being laid by other vessels.

The profits of the North British Australasian Company admit of a divi- dend of 61 per cent for the past year.

Victoria Dock stock has lately experienced an important rise. It is known that the Government arrangement with the London Dock Company for the warehousing of tobacco and the securing of the duty has come ti an end. The importers have not been able to agree with the London Dock £31,017,675 £31,017,675..


£14,513,000 Government Securities (mein-

3,819,411 ding Dead Weight Annuity) £9,857,999 Other Securities 17,634,873 Notes 11,313,810 Gold and Silver Coin 788,456 Proprietors' Capital Rest

Public Deposits. 4,558,976

Other Deposits 15,763,238 Seven Days and other Bills 882,513

Company as regards the charge for warehousing the article, and they have consequently, with the concurrence of Government, made arrangements with the Victoria Dock Company upon terms described as satisfactory both to the importers and to the Company. The trade report from Manchester on Tuesday states that "the -cloth- market has been unusually excited today. Manufacturers are at a loss how to act in consequence of the continued heavy advances in the price of cotton ; and, suffering severely for some weeks past from the inadequate prices at which their fabrics have been saleable, they have attempted to indemnify themselves this morning by a more decided advance than they have hitherto required. On some fabrics they have demanded a rise of 6d. per piece, more particularly for shirtings. There is really a very good demand for India and China, and a fair business would hare beeu effected had they been willing to take 3(1. per piece higher, which was freely offered by buyers.; but at the full advance, although it has been given in some few instances where orders were pressing, business has been considerably checked. A chief source of the demand is India, where during the mutiny not a third of the goods were sent out that would otherwise have been shipped. Now that order is beginning to be reestablished, the supplies are bare in the ports, and prices have gone up, while there is a call for large supplies."

CRYSTAL PALACE.—Return of admissions for six days ending Friday February 19th, including season-ticket-holders, 7294.