The Crisis in France
The political crisis in France, coming at this particular moment, is calculated to cause the maximum of difficulties internationally, for it affects the Disarmament Confer- ence, from which the French Delegation has withdrawn completely, the Shanghai discussions and the preparations
for the Lausanne Conference. M, Laval . was taken by surprise when the Senate twice returned majorities against the Government on questions of procedure con- nected with the Electoral Reform Bill, which the Chamber had adopted in face of bitter opposition from the Radical- Socialists and Socialists. But the Senate stands always further to the Left than the Chamber, and there was never much chance of its countenancing a measure which by virtually abolishing the second ballot loads the dice heavily against the two Left parties, since they always stand independently on the first ballot but combine on a joint candidate on the second. Since a premature dissolution is almost unknown in France a stop-gap Ministry must be formed to carry on till the normal General Election in April or May. M. Laval cannot come back, but M. Tardieu is possible, though President Downer will no doubt turn first to someone, like M. Painleve, more aloof from immediate party controversies. The new Government's most urgent task will be to get the Budget through. * * * *