[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
sometimes wonder if the people who excitedly con- demn Birth Control have ever considered the question from the point of view of the children—if they have ever seen mentally deficient and degenerate children, pitiful creatures, often revolting, sometimes hardly human. If they have not, a visit to almost any Workhouse would greatly enlighten them. I doubt if anyone who had sufficient imagination and sympathy to realize the utter misery of their existences, would not feel that means should be used to prevent such unfortunates being brought into the world. And who. but the State should control this matter ? The State supervises infectious diseases, in all classes, to prevent injury to the community. Why should it not protect the community: from the propagation of beings who in some form or other, whether as criminals, unemployables, inmates of Workhouses, Institutes, and so on, will be a life-long burden on it ?—I am,