Mi chiamamo canadese
Sir: Though one can well imagine the feel- ing of euphoria inspired by an exquisite per- formance of La Boheme, Taki seems to be allowing himself to be carried away by a somewhat misplaced sense of patriotism (6 February). I think that he is in danger of suffering from false chauvinism in at- tributing Teresa Stratas's virtuosity to Greek origins. I had been led to believe that she was born Canadian.
Is Taki making the mistake of assuming that a name is a reliable indication of one's nationality? Surely, if one is to believe even some of his dispatches, he is too seasoned an international traveller to fall into that trap?
However, let me not in any way detract from his pleasure and enjoyment. I too have fond memories of a charming Boheme, and I greatly enjoyed Teresa Stratas's stunning performance in Pagliac- el: Actually, Taki makes me feel positively jealous.
Peter Blunter 49 Ballantine Street, London SW18