The Russian connection
Sir: The demand to break all cultural and social links with the USSR is wrong on many counts. It confuses the regime with the people. One has only to read S. - Richards's own letter (30 January) demand- ing support for the Polish people against the regime to see the point. Experience over many years shows that myriads of Soviet citizens, who are far from being blind sup- porters of the Kremlin, value the oppor- tunity to see Britain in all its shades of quality as well as to make contact with Britons of every shade of opinion and doing a wide range of jobs. They attach immense value to BBC Russian broadcasts which present an independent commentary on world events and also an objective view of British life.
Is it not hypocritical to demand the breaking of cultural links while maintaining trade with the regime that profits British (and US) manufacturers?
A Kennaway
Department of Chemical Engineering, imperial College, Prince Consort Road, London SW7