srece Excnkroa. Flatntr
An improvement of fj per cent. in the price of the Public Securities is at tributed, in Stuck Exchange causation, to a favourable change in opinion with regard to the duration of the contest in Canada. The abundance of money, and, the usual investments consequent upon the payment of the Dividends, has also operated in conjunction with other favourable circumstances to the inimeerii appearance of the Money Market. The settlement of the Consul Account took place on Tuesday last, and was only remarkable for the scarcity of Stock, and the difficulty thereby occasioned in its arrangement. In the absence of all intel- ligence from Canaria, and the general dearth of Continental news, the fluctua- tions of the minket have been insignificant ; and the business transatted has been principally connected with the settlement of the Account. Batik Stock is in demand, and has improved about I per cent. in price. The prvuiluni upon Exchequer Bills and India Bonds is also higher.
In the Foreign Market, some considerable transactions have occurred is Dutch Stock, without leading to any material vat iation in price. Brazilian Bonds, which had receded from the quotations of lest week, have lost, are toalay nearly at our last price,. Spanish Siwkis Le wier, in consequence of the &dna in Paris; but the bniness transacted in these Securities, as well as in Portuguese Bonds, has been quite insignificant.
A notice has been issued by Messrs. ROTHSCHILD, who arc now the agents of the Danish Government, stating that they are piepared to issue New Bonds in exchange for those of the Danish Loan now current, to.d that nit further dividend will be paid upon those now in existence. This step has Len ren- dered necessary by a change in the agency ; the Banda at present in circu- lation referring the holders to Blesses. THOMAS NV' 1.,:ote and Co. for the divi- dend, whereas it will in future be phi by Messrs. Roroscurso. The success of the Grand Junction Railway, which has lately declared a dividend of b per cent. upon its capital stuck for the past balf.year, has given an impetus to speculation in all varieties ut Railway Shares; and must of the schemes, both those in embryo and in au advanced state, have been in great demand. A reaction has, however, occurred from the extreme point+, and in some cases the decline has been nearly to the extent of the previous rise. This is especially remarkable in Great Western ; which has risen from 14/. to 19!. los. and have now gone bark to the former quotation. The United Brighton have risen 3/. having been at ni, but have since declined to ti5 : the rise was occasioned by extensive purchases on behalf it Liverpool specutatois. The markets for these shares has, however, gone back in Lancoshite ; and a decline here has been the consequence. Birmingham and Manchester Sham+ lave been in demand, and have readied to 2!. prem., but have since rimed, d about I/. Almost all the business transacted in Shams has been on account of Liverpool and Manchester speeelators, who are the principal operators in this description of security, by whose proceedings our markets are entirely governed.
SAIVUO.1V, Teases r O'CLOCK.
Consols opened heavy, the price for Account being DI A 4 ; a single tl ,,,,, -ana has since been done at 9111 : and the mice for Money and Account is now 91i It. The premium upon Exchequer Bills is from Is. to 2s. lower, end that upon ludic Bonds Is. higher than yesterday. In the Foreign Market, very few trans. .actions have occurred, and prices are nominally the same as yesterday. South American Stocks are a little higher. Mexican Six per Cents. 266 27; Colombian Bonds arc 241 z ; and Peruvian 19 ?A The Railway Shares are nem ly at yesterday's prices, and the business has been confined to a few trans. -actions in the minor descriptions; viz. 13Iackwall, Eastern Counties, and Northern and Eastern ; but no material variation in prices has outlawed.
3 per Cent. Consols 911 1 Dato for Account 911 1 3 p.1. Cent. Reduced 911 92 Nest 34 per Cent. Anus 991 1 flank Stock 2041 5 India Stock 269 263 Dm. Bonds 51 Inn.
Exehequer Bills 52 54 pm.
Belgian 5 per Cents 1014
Brarilien 5 per Cents 74 721
Danish 73 73/ Dutch 21 per Cents 531 4 Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cts 21 291 Ditto 3 per Cent. 19 191 li ussian (1829)5 per Cent I lu 1 i 1 Spanish (153:)5 isor Cent 191 I Deferred Stock lit 1
Passive Ditto 44 II;