The only noticeable event in the operations of the week has been an im- provement of 3 per cent in Bank Stock ; not arising from any extraordinary circumstance having occurred to give increased value to the Stock itself, but simply from the great plenty of money, which is forcing investment in almost every description of safe security. The settlement of the Consul Account oc- curred on Wednesday ; and was only remarkable for the scarcity of Stock, the price for Money and for the end of February being the same. An improve- ment of j per cent from the lowest recent prices was thus occasioned ; but the advance has not been supported, and the quotations of today indicate a decline of per cent from the highest price of Wednesday. Money still continues very abundant, the rate of discount for first-rate commercial hills varying from 4 to 2 per cent. The amount of gold now in the Bank of England is under- stood to be nearly 15,000,0001.; a considerable quantity of sovereigns having been withdrawn from circulation, as liable to be defaced for deficiency of weight; these being chiefly sold to the Bank, where the best price is given for them. From the scarcity of bills, there was both on Tuesday and today a tendency in the foreign exchanges to decline; but the rates are so high that a very consi- derable fall must occur before the export of bullion can become profitable.
The business in the Foreign Funds has not been of a very remarkable cha- racter. The European Dividend. paying Stocks are generally firm ; and some interest has been excited by the intended financial plans of the Dutch Govern- ment. These measures have not, however, produred any great fluctuation in the value of the Dutch Securities ; %Well are today without any material va- riation from the closing prices of last week. The demand for Portuguese Con- verted Stock, occasioned by purchases on Dutch account, still continues; and, though the bargains occurring in this stock have not been extensive, it has ad- vanced nearly 1 per cent upon our last quotations. Spanish Stock has been in a comparatively tranquil state ; the fluctuations having been unimportant, and the closing prices of today nearly the same as last week.
The course of business in Shares generally has been to give an increased value to most of the current varieties. Those of the Australasian Bank main- tain the advanced quotations of last week, and are quoted at 94 and 94i. Among the Railways, most of the established lines are at an improvement. The Shares of the French lines still continue in favour, and are held largely by capitalists both here and at Liverpool and Manchester, in expectation of fur- ther advance. One new scheme, the Eastern Extension, has made its appear- ance in the market; and is today quoted at prem. litany others are talked of; and the barometer of speculation, although not quite at fever-heat, is evidently rising.
Midland, 44 ; South-eastern and Dover, 34
3 per Cent. Consols 964 7
(Await Deferred 95 7 Ditto for Account 964 7 Columbian 6 per Ceats. 1824
3 per Cent Reduced 974 1 ex Venezuela 11 4 34 per Cent Ditto 1021 3 Danish 3 yer Cents ...... .. 87 8
New 34 per Cents
1014 2 Dutch 24 per Cents Mt 5 Bask Stock 190 1 Ditto 5 per Cents 991 1001 Exchequer Bills prem. 65 7
Mexican 5 per Cents .. 324 3 India Stock —
Portuguese New Sp Cts.1841 454 6 Brazilian Spec Cents Belgiau 5 per Cents 764 103 74 4 Russian 5 per Cents Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents
116 18 224 I
Bhilian 6 per Cents 101 3 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 301 4
The monthly statement of the circulation of the United Kingdom appears in the Gazette of last night. The most remarkable feature in it is the increase of the bullion in the Beek of England, which is stated at 14,638,0001., and the actual amount of which may now be estimated at 15,000,000/. This continued increase has, however, long ceased to be a subject of interest.
Both the English and Foreign Funds are without any variation. The prin- cipal business of the morning has been confined to Railway Shares, in which we have to notice the following transactions : Eastern Extension, tit prem.; Liverpool and Manchester, Half Shares, 108; Birmingham, 241i; South- western, Eighth Shares, 2*; Paris and Orleans, 33i i ; Ditto and Rouen, 34. SATURDAY, Two O'CLOCK. The Government Three per Cent Stocks close at an advance of i per cent on our morning's quotations. Exchequer Bills are the same. Both varieties of Spanish Stock have slightly improved; and Portuguese Converted Bonds are firmer, at 46.
In the Share Market, Del Rey Mining are quoted at 14, and Union Bank of Australia at 274 1. The following bargains have occurred in the Railway Shares in addition to those given in the morning : Birmingham and Derby, 54 711; Eastern Counties, 14 ; Ditto, New, 12; Ditto, Extension, 0; Great Western, 1084; Ditto, Half Shares, 70; Ditto, Fifth Shares, 19; Btighton, 44 i; Birmingham, 243; Greenwich, 5; South-western, 74 31 4; Ditto, Eighth Shares, 4 i i; Croydon, 15i ; Lancaster and Carlisle, 5i I; North