20 JANUARY 1855, Page 13

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Pau, France, 4th January 1855.

Sin—Having observed that, in the Spectator of the 23d December, my name is included in a list of Members of Parliament who are described as having "neutralized the denial of their votes (on the Foreign Enlistment Bill) by pairing off," I beg to inform you that that statement is not, as far as it concerns myself, accurate.

Being unfortunately prevented from attending the House of Commons during the recent short session, I "paired" until after Christmas with Lord Granby, before Parliament met on the 12th December, and, consequently, before the intention of the Government to bring in the Foreign Enlistment Bill was known : my pair, therefore, was a general one, and had no special reference to that measure, as the remark in the Spectator would seem to imply. I have the honour to be, Sir, your obedient servant, Gonzalez.