Memoirs of the Life and Writings of lames Montgomery; 'including Selections from his Correspondence, Remains in Prose and Verse, and Conversations on various subjects. By John Holland and James Everett.
Memoirs of Anne Duchess of Brittany, twice Queen of France. By Louisa Stuart Costello, Author of "Memoirs of Mary, Duchess of Bur- gundy," &c.
Grants, 4e., from the Crown during the Reign of Edward the Fifth, from the original Docket-Book, MS. Hari. 433. And two Speeches for opening Parliament, by John Russell, Bishop of Lincoln, Lord Chancellor. With an Historical Introduction by John Gongh Nichols, F.S.A., Load. and Nowa.
The Art of Travel; or Shifts and Contrivances available in Wild Countries. By Francis Galton, Author of "Explorations in Tropical South Africa." With Wood-cuts.
War Waits. By Gerald Massey.
The Battle of the Alma; a National Ballad. By John William Fletcher, Authorof "Tryphena, and other Poems," &c. The Bugle of the Bkwk Sea ; or the British in the East. By Melanter, Die Christian Life, Social and Individual. By Peter Bayne, MA [An avowed object of this volume is to _prove that Evangelical Christianity is not inconsistent with the highest intellectual characteristics, and to illus- trate that theory by biographical sketches. The idea is not very rigidly act: hered to, save in so far as the subjects of the lives may be called Evangeli- cals. The more definite purpose of the author would seem to be the confu- tation of German Rationalism of the Pantheistic school, and, though in a less degree, the philosophic Atheism which he says obtains at present. The dia- quisitional parts are chiefly confined to these topics, but they also mingle i i v, the lives. These are nix n number—Howard, Wilberforce, Budgett the Bristol trader, Foster, Arnold, and Chalmers. The book exhibits a good deal of power, buetainted with dogmatic self-sufficiency. It is also crude, appa- randy from the leading principles not being steadily adhered to ; which gives it the appearance of desultory "articles" rather than of an homogene- ous work. Mr. Bayne is a literary disciple of Carlyle, but strongly opposed to his philosophical and religious ideas. His continual opposition to these last gives The Christian Life too much the character of an Anti-Carlyle controversy.] The Pathology of Drunkenness ; a View of the Operation of Ardent Spirits in the production of Disease ; founded on original observation and research. By Charles Wilson, M.D. [In a medical sense there is a good deal more than pathology in Dr. Charles Wilson's volume. He touches upon the habits which lead to intem- perance; describes the gradual progress of the spirit-drinker, and the bodily sensations as well as the 'symptoms" that accompany his vice till death in some form or other overtakes him. The strict pathology exhibits no eiraz- geration ; perhaps there is no actual exaggeration in any part, for all the instances might be substantiated. Still there appears the exaggeration of tone, which gregarious moralists generally fall into, more especially on the subject of temperance. The facts may be true but the peculiar is treated as if it were the general. There is a good deal of curious matter in The Pathology of Drunkenness; some of it as intellectually strong as the drams to which the Doctor is so hostile.] Brambles and Bay-Leaves : Essays on the Homely and the Beautiful. By Shirley Hibbard, Author of "Summer Songs," &c. [Miscellaneous papers on topics connected with vegetation and the country, but branching off into rustic practices, poetical fancies, or scientific observa- tion. There is some actual information, and some direct description, which pleases and fills the mind by recalling the original. It cannot, however' be denied that Mr. Shirley Hibberd is too prone to substitute sentiments and personal likings for matter of a real and solid kind.] Familiar Fables, in easy language suited to the juvenile mind. By Mini Corner. The Illustrations by Alfred Crowquill and James Northoote, Esqrs. The Little Play of Kother Goose. Edited by Miss Corner. [Of these two children's books, the "Familiar Fables," are a select edition of Esop, neatly got up, with illustrated cuts. The old translation has been revised by Miss Corner, to adapt it for children ; but it would admit of further improvement in pithy simplicity. "Mother Goose" is another of the writer's fairy dramas for drawmgroom performance. It is as clever but hardly so effective as the previous plays ; the subject not admitting of much dramatic variety or stage business.] Heroines of Charity: containing the Sisters of Vieennes, Jeanne Bisect,
Mademoiselle Le Gras, Madame de Mirarmion, Mrs. S.ton, the Little
Sisters of the Poor, &c. With a Preface by Aubrey Be Vera, Req. [Lives or rather notices deem French devotees who flourished in the seven- teenth century, and of Mrs. Beton, an American lady, who founded a re- ligious community at Baltimore. There is also an account of two charitable societies, one American and one French. It is a Romanist publication though
there hardly any exterior indication to that effect. The literary Character is not striking.] The Moor of Venice. Cinthio'a Tale and Shakapere's Tragedy. By John Edward Taylor. [An edition of Cinthio's tale, on the story of which Shakspere founded Othello. Mr. Taylor the editor has added a critical preface of skill and power : he, however, ascribes fully as much merit to the original tale as it deserves.] A Manual of Elementary Chemistry : being a Practical Class-Book. By Robert Mortimer Glover, M.D., F.R.S.E., Physician to the Royal Free Hospital, &a. Illustrated. [A practical completeness of information and illustration is the principal characteristic of this volume ; well fitting it for the object of the writer, a handbook for the student who is at the same time attending the instruc- tions of a teacher.] Grave Thoughts for the New Year' in four Sermons preached during the last three months of the Old Year, by John Hampden Gurney. MA., Rector of St. Mary's, Marylebone.
[These four sermons are on the general duties of Christians, but pointed with a reference to the war, from the nature and incidents of which they draw illustration and enforcement.]
The principal reprint is a second edition of Mr. Sewell's "Sermons to Boys," preached to the pupils of St. Peter's College, Radley. We have no recollection of the appearance of the first edition ; and the sermons are BO admirably close to their subjects, so adapted to boys at a place of education like Radley,—which combines, we believe, a school for the middle or hum- bler classes with the higher objects of a college,—that the book is hardly fitted for a miscellaneous secular journal like ours. The other volumes nearly tell their own story. That indispensable work to the practitioner "The London and Provincial Medical Directory" ap- pears with further improvements. "The Roving Englishman in Turkey," reprinted from Household Worth:, is a free and rather flippant satire upon our diplomatic service and other things, as well as a series of sketches of Turkey and the Turks. " Ruth Hall" is an American reprint, with a pre- face by the "British publishers "; who have a much higher opinion of Fanny Fern's merits than we can entertain.
A Year's Sermons to Boys, preached in the Chapel of St. Peter's Col- lege, Radley. By William Sewell, B.D., Warden. Second edition. The London and Provincial Medical Directory, 1855.
The Roving Englishman in Turkey. Sketched from Life. Reprinted from Household Words.
Ruth Hall : a Domestic Tale of the Present Time. By Fanny Fern. .73lanche De Bourbon ; a Poem. By W. H. Jones. Second edition. Illustrations of the Law of _Kindness. By the Reverend G. W. Mont- gomery. The fourth English edition, enlarged by a Memoir of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Fry, contributed by the late Joseph John Gurney; and Supplementary Chapter on Almsgiving, with liotee and Ad- ditions.
General Map of Europe ; constructed from -the best Authorities, and comprising the latest Additions and Rectifications. By Alexander Keith Johnston, F.R.S.E., &c., Geographer to the Queen.
[These are days for referring to a map of Europe " constructed from the best authorities," as well as for speculating how it might be reconstructed. The map before us is as excellent a one as we could desire ; large enough for hanging on the wall, for which purpose it is mounted, without being cum- brous, and well stocked with names of places without being loaded to con- fusion. The engraving of the names is particularly exact and clear. In one of the corners appears a small supplementary map showing the lines of electric telegraph communication throughout Europe.]
The Educational Register and Family Almanaek, for 18,55.
Zeller to the Queen on the Present Crisis in the Affairs of her litujesty's Empire.
Some Observations on the War in the Crimea.
An Apology for War: being a few Argu- ments to show that Wars are Beneficial in the aggregate to the Human Race,
• Ibc. In a Letter to Richard Cobden, Esq., M.P., and the Peace Society. By .7. Harcourt.
Coup d'fEil sue lEtat Actuel de et Moyens de Contenir la _Runde. Par le Comte Henri Krasinski, sujet de sa Majeste Britannique, et Auteur de plusieurs Ouvrages dans lea langurn Franmise et Anglaise en faveur de l'Integrite de l'Empire Ottoman.
Suggestions, by John Tidd Pratt, Esq., the Registrar of Friendly Societies in
England. for the Establishment of Friendly Societies; with Tables of Con- tributions for Payments in Sickness, &c., and also for the purchase of Go- vernment Annuities. Per Act 16 and 17 Victoria, Cap. 45.
Instructions in Bookkeeping for Friendly Societies. Prepared under the Direc- tion of the Registrar of Friendly So- cieties in England.
The Extent, Brits, and Needlessness of Sunday Trading in London, as detailed in the Parliamentary Evidence of 1832, 1847, and 1850, and other documents ; and the Measures required for its gra- dual Suppression considered, fi:c. By a Layman.
.Robert Owen's Address, delivered at the Meeting in St. Martin's Hall, Long Acre, London, on the lstJanuery 185i.