20 JANUARY 1855, Page 19


Tuesday, January 16. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLTED.-Marsden and Lake, Wakefield, coal-proprietors- Marx and Greer, Newgate Street, exporters-Wing and Riley, .Battersea, surgeons -Radcliffe and Co. Oldham, iron-fonnders; as far as regards .7. Radcliffe, J. T. Hibbert, and .1. Sharples-Sturmy and Co. Wellington Street, London Bridge, so- licitors-Williams, Stevens, Williams, and Co. New York; and Williams, Keith, and McClure London ; as far as regards J. Keith-Printey and Sutcliffe, Dewsbury. milliners-Lake and Dyer, Bridgwater, nurserymen-Gabell and Lewis, Crickhowell, Breconshire attornies-Woodgate and Joseph, Union Street, Borough. bill-dii. counters-Kaye and Ellis, Stretford, Lancashire, farmers-Green and Taylor. Liver. pool, warehouse-keepers; aster as regards A. T. Riddock-,J. and .8.. Chaffer, Sal- cart-wrights-Moore and Redfern. Nottingham, laoe-merehants-Parker and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, scribbling-millers; as tar as regards T. Parker, S. Dixon, and E. Pitta-Lea and Shewring, Cirencester, tailors -Smith and Page. Hyena Green, Nottinghamshire, manufacturers of patent water gauges-R. and W. Si. Roy, Loth. bury, attornies-Haley and Hargreaves. Halifax, wool-dealers-Evans and Co. Derby, bankers ; as far as regards J. Evans -Executore of the late R. Bettye, Holm-, firth and Kirkburton, woollen-cloth-manufacturers-Sadler and Douglas, Bedale, Yorkshire, curriers- Hide and Thompson, Burwash, Sussex, plumbers-Lockyer and Co. woonen-merchante -Dixon and Matthews. Wednesbury, plumbers-Archer and Daulby. Braintree, tailors-Jevans and Gleeer. Worcester, plumbers-Good- man and Co. Uxbridge, linen-drapers-Rocke and Green. Wrexham, coal-proprietors --Cheetham and Co. Derby, silk-web-manufacturers; as far as regards .1. Cheetham the elder-Clark and Co. Glasgow, nianufacturers. Exinurcers.--Joner GARDINER OoDoEs, Bull's Head Court, liewgate Street, ware- houseman, to surrender Jan. 25, March 2: solieitora.Ashzust and Co. Old Jewry:- official assieee, Cannan, Aldermanbury-THonas STURGES, Plough Tavern,; Stockwell, victualler, Jan. 25, March 2: solicitor, Robinson, Ironmonger Lane official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-MATTHIAS EDWARD BOHRA Old Ford, india-rubber-manufacturer, Jan. 26, March 2: solicitor, Lefroy, Piccadilly; official assignee, 'Whitmore, Basingball Street-Isaac MAT, Ipswich, linen-draper, Jan. 25, Feb. 27: solicitors, Rees and Co. Friday Street; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Rosser NORMAN, Iliston, Cambridgeshire. grocer, Jan. 30, Feb. B?: solicitors, Cole, Essex Street; Christmas, Cambridge ; official assignee, Graham -Coosa' BoarrrEaD, Great Yarmouth, grocer, Jan. 23. Feb. 20: solicitor, Blake, Fleet Street; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street-ROBERT SMITH, New- eastle Street. victualler, Jan. 29, Feb. 27: solicitors, Pagden and Hodgkinson, Mark Lane; official assignee, Edwards. Sambrook Court, Basinghall Street-ErazaBern TAYLOR, Croom's Hill, Greenwich, victualler, Jan. 29. March 5: solicitors, Marti- neau and Reid, Gray's Inn ; official assignee, Lee, Aldermanbury-Samom. DENNIS, Rayleigh. Essex, carpenter, Jan. 24, March 3: solicitor. Chidley, Gresham Street ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-RICHARD ALLooca, Nottingham, wine-merchant, Jan. 30, Feb. 20: solicitors, Bowley, Nottingham; Hodgson, Bir- mingham; official assignee. Harris, Nottingham-Samoa'. RYDER, Plymouth, flour- factor. Jan. 22, March 5: solicitors, Edmonds and Sons, Plymouth ; Stogdon, Exeter; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter-JosEre Norms, Northowram, near Halifax, grocer, Jan. 30. Feb. 27: solicitors, Holroyde and Co. Halifax ; Bond and Barwick, I.eeds ; official assignee, Hope, Leeds-JAMES ALDRED, Manchester, innkeeper, Jan. 31, Feb. 21: solicitor, Chew, Manchester ; official assignee, Hernaman, Manchester.

DrvimorDs.-Feb. 9, Still. Wellclose Square, glass-merchant-Feb. 9, Mitcalfe. Taunton Place. Regent's Park, dealer in mining-shares-Feb. 9, Clark, West Strand, lamp-merchant-Feb. 13. Bates and Bower, Leicester, lambs-wool-spinners-Feb. 22, Thomas, Gloucester, stationer-Feb. 8, Blenky, Liverpool, lodging-house-keeper- Feb. 8, Fletcher, Liverpool, stock-broker-Feb. 8, Hignet, Liverpool, salt-agent.

CERTIFICATES.-lb be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day Of 4neefing.-Feb. 9, Lewis, Wootton-under-Edge, cloth-manufacturer-Feb. 8, J. and J. Young, Bread Street, warehousemen-Feb. 6, Nightingale, Broadchalke, Wilt- shire, innkeeper-Feb. 7, Short. Blandford Forum, Dorsetshire, horse-dealer-Feb. 7, Baseke, St- George's Place, Knightsbridge, tobacconist-Feb. 7, Steuart, Jermyn Street, hotel-keeper-Feb. 9, Stokes, Gloucester Road, Old Brompton, boarding- house-keeper-Feb. 6, Tripp, Bt. Michael's Alley, dealer in mining-shares-Feb. 6, Hobern and Frond, Orchard Street, Paddington, builders-Feb. 9, Clark, West Strand, lamp-merchant-Feb. 9, Woodhouse. Woolwich. brewer-Feb. 5, Fordyce, Astey's Row, Islington, plumber-Feb. 8, Blenky, Liverpool, lodging-house-keeper -Feb. 13, Midgley, Nottingham, soda-water-manufacturer-Feb. 15, Rollason jun. Birmingham, tin-plate-worker-Feb. 15, Partridge, Tipton, corn-factor-Feb. 15, Palmer, Birmingham, victualler. ThroutaanoNs or DIVIDENDS.-Hawken, Duke Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, builder ; first div. of Is. 51d. Wednesday next, and three following Wednesdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Staner, Margate, baker ; second div. of 41d. Wednesday next, and three following Wednesdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Bennett, Christchurch, linen-draper ; first div. of 7s. 4d. Wednesday next, and three following Wednesdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court-West, Donington. linen-draper ; first div. of 20s. Wednesday next, and three following Wednesdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Spashett, Barking, mast-maker ; first div. of 74d. Wednesdaynext, and three following Wednesdays ; Lee, Aldermanbury-Clift, lilting, Essex, cattle-salesman ; first div. of ls. 44d. Wednesday next, and three following Wednesdays ; Lee, Alder- manbury-Eldrid, Witney, grocer ; first div. of ls. 10d. Wednesday next, and three following Wednesdays ; Lee, Aldermanbury-Astins, Joiners' Hall Buildings, Up- per Thames Street, machine-printer ; first div. of Is. 84d. any Wednesday ; Whit- more, Basingball Street-Long, Lamb's Conduit Street, baker ; first div. of Si. 9d. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Rossiter, London Wall, clothier ; first div. of Si. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Menon, Birming- ham, stationer ; second div. of 10d. any Friday ; Whitmore. Birmingham-Taylor, Fore Street, draper ; third and final div. of 64d. on Wednesday next, and three fol- lowing Wednesdays ; Lee, Aldermanbury.

&arca SEGUESTRATION.-Harvie, Auchingree, writer, Jan. 25,

Friday, January 19,

PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Riddle, Duncannon Street, and Blackburn, Park Village East-H. S. and G. Dixon, Leeds, dyers-Caldwell and Co. Liverpool, corn- dealers-Cockman and Co. New Street, Dorset Square, ladies' outfitters; as far as

Ws M. Guinard-Falk and Hirschfeld, King Street, Cheapside, foreign agents- rziely and Co. Manchester, commission-merchants ; as far as regards J. J. Waney- Thorpe and Co, Derby, silk-throwsters; as far as regards J. Thorpe junior-Small- thwazte and Perry Liverpool, coach-proprietors-Sharwin and Son, Manchester, ivory-workers-WOodhead and Worsnop, Bradford, Yorkshire, printers-Manches- ter Sewage Guano Company, Manchester ; as far as regards E. Corbett-Eaton and Moss, Macclesfield, silk-tbrowsters-Jowett and Co. Bredbury, Cheshire, coal- proprietors ; as far as regards J. Jowett-Cazneau and Wright, St. Helen's Place, Bishopsgate Street, ship-brokers-Pomfret and Co. Buruley, Lancashire, cotton- cloth-manufacturers.-Midgley and Slater, Bradford, Yorkshire, plumbers-Gates and Norton, Basinghall Chambers, wine-merchants-Balls and Son, Norwich, boot- manufacturers-Lea and Greathead, Birmingham. lace-dealers-T. P. and W. Barkas, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, printers-Thornhill and Sons, Sheffield, awl-blade- manufacturers ; as far as regards .T. Thornhill-Davis and Son, Halifax, Yorkshire, cabinet-makers-Rhodes and Co. Chancery Lane, attornies-Andersons and Thor- burn, Manchester, merchants; as far as regards T. Anderson.

BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED .-CoRoNEL, Great Buie Street, cigar-manufacturer. BANKRUPTS.-HERBERT Wrarr and Co. Pilgrim Street, Kennington, chimney- piece-manufacturers, to surrender Jan. 27, hlarch 10 : solicitor, Chidley, Gresham Street ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-W1LLIAM GILLARD senior, Catherine Street, Strand, oil-dealer, Jan. 31, March 6: solicitors, Nicholl and Clark, Cook's Court, Carey Street ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Gamma RicHErrs. Charles Place, Drummond Street, Huston Square, coach-builder, Jan. 26, Feb. 27: solicitor, Abrahams, Southampton Buildings ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street-HENRY .REvrt Smoot, Bagnor Mills, Newbury, paper-maker, Jan. 26, Feb. 27: solicitor, Tucker, Clement's Lane ; official assignee, johnson, Ba- singhall Street-SamuEL MORRITZ KROHN, Bread Street, Cheapside, merchant, Jan. 26, March 1: solicitors, Linklaters, Sise Lane; official assignee, Bell, Coleman St. Buildings-3oHN BENNETT, Hatcham, Surrey, builder, Jan. 28, March 1: solici- tor, Jones, Quality Ct. Chancery Lane ; official assignee, Bell, Coleman St. Buildings CHARLES HODGE, Chelsea, smith, Jan. 27, March 10: solicitor, Rivotta, Hart Streit, Bloomsbury; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-HENRY BENSON Cox, Southampton, provision-dealer, Jan. 27, March 10: solicitors, A'Beckett and Co. Golden Square; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-WILLian Forma, Millbank, stone-merchant, Feb. 2, March 9: solicitors Jaques and Co. Ely Place ; Robson, Halifax ; official assignee, Canaan, Aldermanbury-Joins Boors, Luton, Chatham, brick-maker, Jan. 25, Match 9: solicitors, Stevens and Stachell, Queen Street, Cheapside ; Hills, Chatham ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-HENRY Jorm Acauts, High Holborn, shoe-manufacturer, Feb. 2, March 9 solicitors, Linklaters, Else Lane; official assignee, Cannan, Aldetmanbury- THoxes PRICHARD, Footscray, apothecary, Jan. 30, March 6: solicitors, Forbes and Horwood, Warnford Court, Throgmorton Street ; official assignee, Lee, Alderman- bury- CHARLES °NMI. Ropemakers' Street, Finsbury, coach-maker, Feb. 2, March 6: solicitor, Lewis, Wilmington Square ; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-THomas ANDREW FaANcis Bo Ryon, Montague Close, Southwark, wharfinger, Feb. 2, March 6: solicitor, Preston, Broad Street ; official assignee, Edwards, Sam- brook Court-THomss LowELL RALPH senior and WILLIAX RALPH. Birmingham. Iron-founders, Jan. 27, Feb. 23: solicitor, Southall, Birmingham ; official assignee. Bittleston, Birmingham - BRYAN RESUMER, Barton-upon-Humber, scrivener, Feb,7, 28: England and Saxelbye, Kingston-upon-Hull; official assignee, Carrick, Hull- TOMAS NicHoLsoN, Leeds, machine-maker, Feb. 2; March 9: solicitors, Dunning and Kay, Leeds; official assignee, Young, Leeds-JosEra Camonnia, Manchester, grocer, Jan. 31, Feb. 21: solicitor, Boote, Manchester; official assignee, lierna- man, Manchester-EnwAan IsexsoN and Et/GENE CLARKE, Manchester, milliners, Feb. 5,28: solicitors, Sale and Co. Manchester; official assignee, Pott, Manchester -Gamma Maras and THowas PILLING, Edenwood, Edenfield, Lancashire, alters, Feb. 1, 22: solicitors, Cobbett and Wheeler, Manchester; official assignee, Hems- man, hlanchester-JoHN BODDINGTON. Manchester, malt-factor, Jan. 30, Feb. 21: solicitor, Blair, Manchester ; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester. DITIDENDS. -Feb. 9, Medley and Adam, Great Tower Street, underwriters-Feb. 9, Webb, Rayleigh, grocer-Feb. 10, Kemp, Beckford Row, Walworth Road, linen- draper-Feb. 9, M'Crow, Featherstone Street, City Road, linen-draper-Feb. 9, Cooper, Luddington, corn-dealer-Feb. 12, Burton, Bagley, builder-Feb. 20, Pop- pleton, Leicester, lamb's-wool-spinner-Feb, 9, Fynney. Liverpool. corn-broker - Feb. 13, Foden, Liverpool, grocer-Feb. 12, Kyrke, Glascoed, Denbighshire, lime- burner-Feb. 12, Swaim, Openshaw, ironmonger. Caarronasyza.-21) be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day.! 148464iety. -Feb. 12, Hudson, Church Street, Hackney, grocer-Feb, 12, Finn, Queen's

Buildings. Knightsbridge, baker-Feb 12, Hunt, Bedford Row, wine-merchant- Feb. 9, Holloway. Salisbury, rope-manufacturer-Feb. 9, White, Peterborough Villas, St. John's Wood, builder-Feb. 9, Edwards, Long Buckby, Northampton- shire, scrivener-Feb. 13, Chapman, Cornwall Road, Hammersmith, builder-Feb. 13, Snow, Pollen Street, Hanover Square, butcher-Feb. 12, Dowie, Manchester. tailor-Feb. 12, Ainsworth, Manchester, warehouseman-Feb. 13, Hoyle and Tat- tersall, Whitewell Bottom, Lancashire, cotton-manufacturers-Feb. 9, Feeny, Bir- kenhead, eatinghouse-keeper-Feb. 13, Crowther, Halifax, innkeeper-Feb. 19, Shuttlewortb, Bradford, Yorkshire, stuff-manufacturer-Feb. 19, Till, Worcester, grocer.

DEoLoaLonoNs or DV/MENDS. -11`3,1illan, Bennett Street, Blackfriars Road, draper; first div. of 4s. 3d. any Tuesday ; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Roe, Brighton Place, Brixton Road, oilman; first div. of 8d. any Tuesday; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Sherman, Brentwood, grocer ; first div. of Si. 9d. any Tuesday; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Anderson, Pavement, Moorfields, linen-draper; second div. of 44d. Wednesday next, and three following Wednesdays ; Lee, Alder- manbury-Castelli, Bury Court, merchant ; second div. of lid. Wednesday next, and three following Wednesdays; Lee, Aldermanbury-Crafton and Colson, Great Bt. Helen's, hosiers; fourth and final div. of 80. Wednesday next, and three fal- lowing Wednesdays; Lee, Aldermanbury. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.-Yule, Kelso, innkeeper, Jan. 30-Porter, Newton- Stewart, wool-dealer, Feb. 2-Miller, Musselburgh, starch-manufacturer, Jan. 541 -Anton, Leith, colour-merchant, Jan. 29.