20 JANUARY 1855, Page 8


It is probable that the House of Commons will resume proceedings on Tuesday next without any of its seats being vacant : a circumstance no- ticeable for its rarity.

The following is the order of business for the week, as at present set down.

Tuesday, January 23.... Bill to alter and amend the Public Health Act. (Sir


Bill to alter and amend the Nuisances Removal Act.

(Sir BENJAMIN HALL.) Wednesday, January 24. Cointnittee of Supply. Thursday, January 25... Bill for the better Encouragement and Promotion of General Education in England and Wales. (Sir


Second reading of Savings-Banks and Friendly Societies Investments Bill. (CHANCELLOR of the EXCHMEEE.)

The Lords reassemble on the same day as the Commons, but no spe- cific business is put down for the week. The resolution of last session, to authorize the sale of Parliamentary returns, reports, and other documents which originate in the Upper House, will take effect at the close of the week. A room has been fitted up for the purpose of sale in the range of offices known as the " Parliament Offices," the entrance to which is under the Victoria Tower. The rate of charge will be the same as that of the Commons—a halfpenny for every sheet of four pages.