The gale of Thursday and Friday last wrought fearful mischief
along the coast. From every southern port we have tidings of loss, and at Brixham a disaster occurred almost unprecedented in the annals of the coast. Brixham Roads were crowded with tome* which had run in for shelter from the south-west gale, when suddenly the wind shifted to the east, and the entire fleet was driven ashore like an army taken in flank. The pier at Brixham harbour has now lying against it a shapeless mass of timber, the remains of some twenty vessels which were dashed to pieces against it. Above this lie three or four wrecks still looking like ships, while upon the sands a mile or two off are four or five vessels beached, and at a short distance from the shore several mastheads are visible. The total loss is estimated at thirty-one vessels and eleven trawlers, with at least 150 lives.