LTO THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—Dr. Hodgkin's letter
is certainly a great advance, and points out a way in which the religious difficulty in schools might be overcome, but I cannot help thinking that a simpler reform might be as good. Here in Cumberland a Sub- Committee of our Education Committee (composed of repre- sentatives of both Churchmen and Nonconformists) framed a syllabus for religious teaching which is now followed in all our provided schools, and meets with general - approval. Could not such a syllabus be framed by County Councils, assisted by the various religious bodies, which should be used in all schools, both provided and non-provided ? And if any parents desired farther special instruction for their children in bithee class of school, let them pay for it themselves, but let it be given to their children in the school at the time set apart for religions instruction.—I am, Sir, &c., HENRY C. HOWARD, Chairman of the Cumberland County
Greystoke Castle.