Sm,—Pharos's description of the visit of Marshal Haynau in 1850,
of which was unaware, at. once gives me the thought, 'Let's do it again,' for in these drab days my most exciting adventure has been something con- nected with a Zebra crossing.
Before making war, however, we are advised to sit down and count the cost and see what is arrayed against us, bearing in mind that the Government can call all its empl9yees to its aid.
There are roughly: (i) The Cabinet who arranged it. (ii) Half the House of Lords who approved it (don't ask me why). (iii) The Civil Service, (iv) The Teachers. (v) The Communist Party. (vi) The Police.
The only large class in these six categories is the Civil Service which, I suppose, accounts for a fifth of the population. Despite Arch- bishop Makarios and Canon Collins. I hope the established Church will be neutral. I think we cat) do ft if you, Sir, will give us a lead.