South Bank, London S.E.1
Four good reasons for becoming a member
• 1000 films shown annually in NFT 1 and NFT 2 — the best of world cinema, twice nightly, weekend matinees, late all-night screenings.
• the Members' riverside licensed bar and restaurant — your own club in central London with a fine view of the Thames.
• personal appearances and lectures by filmakers, actors, directors and producers.
• an illustrated programme booklet for every season, including the annual LONDON FILM FESTIVAL.
Associateship costs £2 a year (£1 if you are a full-time student).
Membership costs from £3 a year and includes free copies of the world famous magazine SIGHT AND SOUND; the use of the Information Department and Book Library.
NFT Season Feb-Mar RKO in the 40's, a season of Mae West films, a season of W.C. Fields, Ealing — Mainly on the Serious Side and a selection of the best of world cinema.
Full membership and programme details sent free on request to: British Film Institute (M5) 81 Dean Street London W1V 6AA Telephone: 01-437 4355 (Mon-Fri 10.00 18.00) If you are resident outside the Greater London area we shall be pleased to send a list of Regional Film Theatres operating in association with the BFI.