Wrong club
Sir: In your issue of 23/30 December 1989 you carry a letter headed 'Muslim threats'. This is signed by 13 signatories, of whom I am one, and gives the impression I am a member of the Monday Club. This is not so. I have never been, am not, and have no intention of ever becoming a member of the Monday Club.
I signed the petition, to which the letter refers, on behalf of Mr Frank Kelly in his capacity as an individual defending our most cherished civil liberty — free speech. I should have been just as prepared to sign the petition, and for the same reasons, if it had been issued by the Socialist Workers Party.
Frank Kelly has been grievously wronged. His political views ought to be irrelevant. However, it is well known that he expresses Conservative principles. If he had been on the political Left, the whole agitprop movement would have been roused to fury and there would have been a national scandal. In the event yours is one of the few honourable journals to mention the matter. Frank Kelly deserves every- one's support whatever their political views.
Ray Honeyford
14 Wragby Close, Bury, Lancashire