20 JULY 1833, Page 14



The gloom which hung over the Money Market at the close of last week, has been completely dispelled ; and as it has berme pretty certain that the Oppo- sition Lords will allow the Irish Church Bill to he at least .discussed in Com- mittee, if not passed, the Ipprehensions of a panic have passed away. Consols

fur Account, which, as we stated in part of last impression, closed on Satur- day afternoon at 894 *, opened on Monday morning at t 91,, ; and before the close of the day, had reached 904. The upward tendency of the market has con- tinued during the week ; and after having touched 904, the closing price of to- day is 90j I. Bank Stock is quoted at 205; some apprehension being, we understand, entertained by the Directors, that Lord ALTIIOLP Will MA very easily persuade Parliament to accede to the bargain he has made with them. India Stock is steady, being to-day at 239,290. ir>xchequer Bills are 55 57 prem. Our report of the transactions in the Foreign Market will be almost confined to noticing the fluctuations of Portuguese Bowls and Regency Scrip, which have almost exclusively occupied the attention of the speculators and dealers. Intel- ligence of the brilliant victory achieved by Captain NArlEtt was received in Lon- don on Sunday ; and at the commencement of business on Monday morning, the opening price of the Scrip (which on Saturday was 2 dis.) was par ; at which price and at lj premium, some very large investments were made. The near approach of the settlement, which was fixed for the next day, by compelling many of the minor speculators to realize, prevented the improvement that would otherwise have taken place ; and the closing price of the day was„ prem. On Tuesday, the market was still kept down by large money sales; but after much fluctuation, left off at 2* prem. In the course of Wed- nesday, another rise of 2 per cent. took place, and the price at the close of business was 4*. The opening price of yesterday was 4 prem. ; but the Scrip was soon quoted at 64; • 'and after retrograding to 54, closed at 64

prem. The highest price of to-day has been ; since which it has been quoted as low as 74 ; and the closing price of this afternoon is 8h 9 prem. The Bonds have not fluctuated so much as the Scrip, although the actual rise in price is greater. The price on Saturday last was 60 to 61; and it has steadily risen every day till it reached its highest quotation to-day, viz. 76 ; the clos- ing price is 74 to 75. No authentic intelligence of the progress of the Consti- tutionalist, has been received since we were informed of the gallant exploit of Captain NAPIER,' but it is generally rumoured on 'Change this afternoon, that the expedition which landed in the Algarves has marched unmolestedly onward, and had nearly reached Lisbon, in which city an insurrectionary movement against Don Miguel had already begun. The smiling aspect of Portuguese affairs has improved the prospects of the

holders of Spanish Cortes Bonds. A slight improvement took place in this Stock in the early part of the week ; but after reaching 2011, the price again re- trograded to 194, and till the middle of the day, was 194 204. Some large pur- chases were made in the course of the afternoon, by the agent of a Paris banker; and the closing price is 21*- I.

The loan for the service of the new Government of Greece made its appear•

ance to-day in the market : it is in a 3per Cent. Stock to the amount of 2,400,0001.,—" one third part in bonds under the special guarantee of Eng- land, one third part in bonds under the special guarantee of France, and one third part in bonds under the special guarantee of Russia," and is issued at the price of 100. The payments are fixed as follows.

20 per cent. immediately.

20 1st August. 20 1st September. 20 1st October.

20 1st November.

100 It soon became a favourite object of speculation, and was readily purchased at 5 prem. ; it has since been as high as 8 prem., and closes at 6 7 prem. All these prices, as compared with the 5 per Cent. Stocks of the Powers by which this loan is guaranteed, must be considered low ; for it is impossible to consider the new Stock otherwise than as equal in value to the average price of the Eng- lish, Russian, and French 5 per Cents. ; which is as follows—Russian 5 per Cents. 105; French 5 per Cents. 104; English 5 per Cents. (about) 133; which gives 114 as the average, for what (if our data be correct) may be con- sidered the value of the new Stock.

Brazilian Bonds have improved to 704. Russian and Danish Stock are nearly at our last quotation. Dutch 24 per Cents. and 5 per Cents. have (in despite of a fall of more than 1 per cent. in Amsterdam) improved nearly I per cent. on last week's prices; the closing price of the former being 49 *, and the latter 934 I. Belgian Bonds are also higher, and are again above 93. Mexican Bonds, which were on Saturday 37* 4, have been to-day as high as 44, and close at 43 4. This rise has been occasioned by a report that the United States had purchased the province of Texas of the Mexican Government, for 11,000,000 dollars, or upwards of two millions ; and little doubt is entertained that some part of this sum will be applied to the extinction of the external debt of the Re- public. Real del Monte shares have improved to 45; and the Mexican Mining Shares generally are in greater demand than last week, at improved prices.


The Ministerial majority of last night produced a favourable effect on the Money Market this morning; soon after ten o'clock Consols for Account were at 91, but several extensive sales have since depressed the price to 924, and the present quotation is 904 4. Bank Stock has been at 207. Exchequer Bills are lower, 55 56 prem. In the Foreign Market, Portuguese Scrip and Bonds have been the chief attraction ; the latter have been as high as 78, and theformer has reached 104, and is now 101 I. Dutch 24 per Cents and 5 per Cents are higher ; the former being quoted at 48* 4, and the latter 931g. Belgian Bonds have shared in the general improvement, and are 73*4. Almost all other Foreign Stocks are a little higher than yesterday, but the business in them has been quite unimportant. Various rumours are afloat ; of which the most credible is, that a new alliance has been formed between the great Northern Powers for the sup- port of the Monarchical principle in Europe, while another report is, that the Court of St. Petersburg has declared its intention of assisting Dun MIGUEL.


Consols for Account have not varied since twelve o'clock, and close at 90/1 4. In the Foreign Market the business has been chiefly confined to Portuguese Se- curities; the Bonds have been at 75 and 78, and close at 754 764. The Scrip has been as low as 9 prem., and has since rallied to 10, closing at 94 10*. Greek Scrip has been at 6 and 8 prem., and closes at 64 74 prem. Dutch and Belgian Bonds have improved slightly upon the morning's prices. One or two invest- ments in Buenos Ayres Bonds (which have for some time been quite neglectd) have taken place at 24. Spanish Stock has been at 21, has since rallied to 214, and closes at 21i 4. Mexican Bonds are 424 44.

Mexican 6 per Cents.424 3f Portuguese 5p. Cts. 754 64 Do. ItegeneySc.5p.Ct.91101 Prussian(1818)5p.Ct. — Russ.(1822)5p.Ct. 104151 Spanish(11321) 5 p.Ct. 21 1

3 per Cent. Consols 891.

Ditto for Account...90* i New 31 p. Cent. Ann. 961 1 Sank Stock .. 207

India Stork

"Exchequer Bills 55 56

Belgian 5 per Cents. 931 1 Brazilian 5p. Cts. Danish 3 per Cents-731 41 Dutch 2f per Cents. 491 k French 3 per Cents. — Greek (l825) 5 p.Cts. 38