20 JULY 1833, Page 17



A Popular History of Priestcraft in all Ages and Nations. By William Howitt.


Phrenician Ireland. Auetore Joachimo Laurentio Villeneuve. Translated and

illustrated with Notes, &c. By Henry O'Brien, Esq. A.B Longman and Co. Minor Antiquities of Edinburgh. By the Author of " Traditions of Edinburgh," See. FICTION, IF: and 1?. Chambers. Character; or Jew and Gentile: a Tale. By Mrs. Leman Grimstone. 2 vols.. Far. Romances of the Chivalric Ages. The Pilgrim Brothers. 2 vol. The Provost of Paris; a Tale of the Court of Charles the Sixth. By William S. Browning, Author of the "History of the Huguenots." 3 Smith and Elder. Domestic Scenes from Real Life. By Lady Morgan. 2 vols.... Saunders and Otter. The Encyloptedia of Romance. Conducted by the Rev. Henry Martineau. No. I.


The Original Legend of Der Freischiitz. Translated from the German of A. Apel.


The Books of the Pilgrimage:of theolish Nation. Translated from the Polish.

Porray, ' Ridgway. Henry St. Clair; a Tale of the Persecution'In Scotland. The Martyr of Freedom.


Zophiel, or the Bride of Seven. By Maria del Occidente Kennett. The Dream, and Other Poems. By Mrs: George Lenox Conyughatir Moon. The Rhymed Plea for Tolerance. In two Dialogues Moser. Rhymes and Rhapsodies. By Robert Folkestone Williams Fraser. The Voyage; a Poem. By Henry Christmas. Second Edition Longman and Co. Poems by Hartley Coleridge. Vol. I. Published at Leeds. LITERARY POLITY,

Exposition of the False Medium, and Barriers excluding Men of Genitis from the

Public. SCIENCE AND Ent:el:rum On the Improvement of Society by the Diffusion of Knowledge. Illustrated with Engravings. By Thomas Dick, LL.D. Author of " The Christian Philosopher," &c. Waugh and Banes. Edinburgh. The Arithmetical Repository, or Student's Guide to Commerce and Science. By John Chiesman, Master of the Academy, Leeds If and Cu. Domesticated Animals Parker. Three Weeks in Palestine Parker. Facts not Fables. By Charles Williams West ley and Danis.


Illustrations of Vegetable Economy, practically applied to the Cultivation of the Garden, the Field, and the Forest; consisting of Oi iginal Observations, collected during an experience of Fifty Years. By James Main, A.L.S.. Orr. Law, A Manual of the Law with regard to Public Meetings and Political Societies. By Thomas Arnold, Esq. Barristevat-law Mar well. COLONIAL POLICY,

British America. By John M'Gregor, Esq. 2 vols. Second edition Blackwood.


The Quarterly Review, No. XCVIII. Published in July 1833 Murray.

The Foreign Quarterly Review, No. XXI II. Treuttel and Richter. The Westminster Review, No. XXXVII Heward. The Hull Polish Record, No. V.

The Animal's Friend; or the Progress of Humanity. No. I.