MTRIERS is quite determined to have his own way about e Protection, and he is getting it. This week he has been in the 'Tribune every day, speaking, gesticulating, quoting figures, now telling the Right there are too many Princes for France to choose 'one, then threatening the Left with a resignation, anon daring the Chamber to dismiss him, and again promising that if it will support him he will be no party to a conspiracy for its dissolution. He wants the money, he says, to make a great Army and form alliances, and he will have it by a tax on raw materials, because then he can place compensating duties on foreign manufactured goods. He assures the Chamber the tax will not hurt industry, and evidently believes the old fallacy that a tax on imports is paid by the foreigner. The Assembly, bewildered, daunted, and we must add, bored by these incessant speeches, is about, according to the last accounts, to accept the tax by a majority of some 35, the Left voting with M. Thiers.