20 JULY 1889, Page 1

The Whitechapel murders have begun again. Early on Wednesday morning,

a woman of the name of Alice Mackenzie, who had been living with John McCormack for the last six or seven years, was murdered by a wound in the throat, succeeded by a stab in the abdomen, in Castle Alley, Whitechapel Road, a thoroughfare usually blocked up during both day and night with tradesmen's carts and costermongers' barrows, and shut off from view of the main road. The body was found between two waggons chained together. Alice Mackenzie is the eighth victim of the person, whoever it may be, who murders to mutilate. The murder was committed about half-an-hour

after midnight, and there is as yet no trace of the murderer. It is vaguely stated that letters had been received by the police from "Jack the Ripper" announcing that he should get to work again before the end of July; but as to the truth or falsehood of this assertion -we have not as yet heard any evidence. No arrests have been made, except on the merest suspicion ; and the persons hitherto arrested have been dis- charged after very short detentions. It looks as if the police would again be foiled.