The present state of the representation of the London constituencies
deserves special notice. There are sixty-two London seats, and out of these the Unionists bold fifty-four and the Home-rulers only eight. Considering that 75 per cent. of the population of London belong to the working class, and that there is no possibility of undue influence in the Metropolis, this is the most crushing and absolute denial of the plea that Home-rule and " Down with the Lords !" is the cry of the people. Home-rule and Democracy have nothing to do with each other. It should be added that in 1892 the Unionists held thirty-seven seats and the Glad- stonians twenty-five. Remember, too, that if London was as liberally treated in the way of seats as Ireland is, she would have forty-two more Members than she has now, and if these were distributed in the present proportion the Metropolis would give some ninety-three votes for the Union and only fourteen against.