The Kindergarten at Home. By Emily A. E. Shirreff. (Abbott,
-Jones, and Co.)—This is the fourth edition, revised and illustrated, of an excellent and eminently practical little manual, which has -done not a little to introduce into home-life the Kindergarten principles of Froebel. The tone of the book—in its revised form —is given in Miss Shirreff's possibly too eloquent exposition of her ruling idea,—" The mother as educator, demanding know- ledge, continued study of character, steady keeping in view of a high aim, and devotion in subordinating lesser and selfish aims to this ; so sublime a vocation that we might well despair of the many attaining to its heights, if the same Eternal Law that made the duty had not laid in the hearts of mothers the love which makes labour light and sacrifice a joy." Although the Kinder- garten system has undoubtedly made great progress in this country of late, there are still educationists who are not absolute' believers in it. Enthusiasts in its favour, however, could scarcely; desire a more accurate or practical application of its principles to home-life than Miss Shirreff's book.