The honours awarded for the Chitral Expedition were gazetted on
Tuesday. First is a General Order of the Government of India, in which "his Excellency in Council" expresses his "deep sense of the admirable and valuable services" rendered by Colonel Kelly and his men. The General Order notes how this small force "marched a distance of two hundred and twenty miles, over a country presenting very great physical difficulties, crossed the Shandnr Pass, 12 230 ft. high, in deep snow, relieved the garrison at Mastuj, twice defeated the enemy posted in the strongest natural positions, and finally relieved Chitral on April 20th, after a. most arduous and difficult march." After this the award to Colonel Kelly of a C.B. sounds rather a non sequitur. Major Townehend, the Commander of the garrison of Chitral, obtains the same distinction. Surgeon-Captain Whitchurch gets a V.C., and Dr. Robertson becomes a Knight-Com- mander of the Star of India. No one can say that the awards err on the side of lavishness ; but after all this is no great matter. With the remembrance of recent honours still in our minds, we cannot feel very sorry for the undecorated and untitled.