We had not space in our last issue to mention .
the visit to Aldershot on Thursday week of about fifty Members of Parliament, but we should like now to congratulate Mr. Haldane on his happy thought, and to express the hope that the visit will be repeated every year. Several of the visitors were Labour Members, and it is very desirable that they should discover from experience that soldiers do not, as some representatives of Labour affect to believe, live an inhuman life under inhuman conditions. If such visits lead to the circumstances of the soldier being made still more human, and to the soldier himself realising the identity of the Army and the nation, so much the better. Sir John French delivered an admirable address on instruction and training as the one side of the military life, and on administration as the other. After the visitors had been informed of the nature of the soldier's progressive training, they saw the principles put into practice in manceuvres ; and if some of these were invisible, that was only a proof that the training had been successful.