20 JULY 1912, Page 1

Prince ICatsura, the Chief Elder Statesman of Japan, is on

his way to St. Petersburg, where he is due on Sunday. The Times correspondent makes the highly important statement that well-informed persons believe that the scheme of an alli- ance between Russia and Japan is practically complete. It is said that the alliance would be based en two conditions: freedom of action for Japan in Southern Manchuria and an understanding that Japan should support Russia if Russia were attacked. At the Manchurian frontier Prince Katsum spoke of the interlinking of the vital interests of Russia and Japan, and added these significant words : "In order that they may continue to flourish they call for complete union. And that is not a dream, but a fact." In Friday's papers a Reuter message says that, though the understanding between Russia and Japan will be carried mush further, nothing in the nature of a formal treaty is contemplated.