It is announced that in introducing the Supplementary Navy Estimates
on Monday Mr. Churchill will make a further statement on the Mediterranean and Home Fleets. This, we trust, means the laying down of additional Dreadnoughts for the Mediterranean. If all the present Dreadnoughts are required for home waters, and if a squadron is to be main- tained in the Mediterranean it must be specially provided for by an additional programme. On Wednesday Mr. Churchill, in answer to a question, gave the following figures to show the margin of British strength over German strength in pro- tected cruisers and battleships
June 1902. June 1912.
Protected Cruisers f Britain ... 95 ... 28 under 15 yrs. old I Germany ... 18 30 Battleships under Britain ... 25 ... 25 10 years old ( Germany... 11 ... 18 The White-paper, published on Friday, giving the details of the votes asked for shows a considerable, but clearly neces- sary, increase in the personnel of the Navy.