The Wash and the Zuider Zee In the brand new
Apa Magazine is an account of the reclamation of the Zuider Zee that must make the mouth water of any land-lover, or lubber, who lives by the English Wash. Its reclamation has been my own pet hobby for very many years. The water falls, hundreds of acres are now just awash at the higher tides, and round about them• on west and north and south are the most prolific farms within England. The Dutch set forth on a long policy that would take nearly forty years to complete. What gorgeous farms could be added to this island if we had a plan even half as ambitious The engineering problem—as a Dutch engineer recently assured me—is much simpler and would cost much less money than the Zuider Zee. Perhaps our Minister of Agriculture, who is to attend a function at " the Middle Level "—the very hub of older reclamation triumphs will turn his mind to the adjacent Wash. I see no allusion. in accounts of the Dutch reclamation to one agent in the work. It was found in one of the petty, partial little reclama- tions that the land became intensely fertile as soon as the earth-worms returned !