IA Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to
the sender of the first correct station of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, sly wt. Envelopes should be received not later than first post that day and us; bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a std. stamp. ulutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. he solution and the name of the winner will be published in the follo,ing issue.]
r. The bird seems to announce that the shack is empty. (ii.)
9. "By love subsists MI lasting grandeur, by pervading love; That gone, we are as dust, ' wrote Wordsworth in the -. (7.)
o. It takes an astronomer to ply me. (7.) r. Hours began. (Anag.) (to.) 2. Did he 'grind out his work? (4.)
4. Shout•physical training, - but not here surely! (5.) 5. A wide mecum for those in training, so to speak. (8.)
7. One who gets off at the end? (8.) 9. Endless 17. (5.)
2. Screwy fruit. (4.) 3. Silver seal. (Anag.) (so.) 6. Workshop. (7.) Sticks (7.) 28. Evidently not bothered with com- plexes. (6, 5.)
1. Corporation lining. (5.) 2. One can make this any time. (7.) 3. "I shall ne'er be ware of mine own wit- till I break my shins against it," he said. (to.) 4- Not quite long enough to creep on. (6.) 5. A change from Eros with a perm. (8.) 6. " Now is it Rome indeed and enough ".(Shakespeare). (4.) 7. Problematical blossom of pilgrimage. (9.)
8. People sometimes invite thought to do so. (6.).
13. She is mad on an anagram. (to.)
14. A five shilling site? (5, 4.) x6: A case in which the calligraphy is no guide to the identity of the sender.
(8.) x8. This lane is not connected with Bond Street. (6.) 20, Turning point for purchase but not goods. (7-) 2x. Attack. (6.) 24. Poles asunder, thanks to the U.S.A. (5.)
25. Warmed by a white owl alone. GO