Sir: You cannot imagine my thrill of delight at being described as a 'British passport-holder of mixed Mediterranean origins' by Mr Courtauld (`Brighter Rock', 13 July). Alas, it's not often these days we Gibraltarians hear the clear, unmistakable tones of the pukka sahib talking down to us.
Moreover, I thoroughly concur with everything Mr Courtauld says about us, although perhaps he will permit me to add a little caveat. It is true that 90 per cent of Gibraltarians are Catholics and have either Spanish or Italian names. There is, howev- er, a sprinkling of us who are C of E (practising), have English names, and read The Spectator.
May I also enthusiastically endorse Mr Courtald's proposal for the restoration of the Royal Calpe Hunt? Such is my commit- ment to all things English, I may even be persuaded to volunteer as live quarry.
Charles Smith
12 Queen Street, Henley-on-Thames