Sir: I am not in the habit of biting my tongue, but I must say during the recent speculation about my age (Letters, 29 June, 6 July and 13 July) the poor fleshy organ has been chewed to ribbons.
I had always thought it ungentlemanly to speculate about a woman's age. I have never, until now, been shy about revealing it, partic- ularly since I am not 75, as Nigel Johnson- Hill concludes on very slender grounds. Indeed it would be very surprising if I were, since my daughter, Veronica, is 12.
I am no great friend of picture bylines, but perhaps you, Sir, might consider one day carrying a photograph of me and then letting readers have a stab — like guessing the weight of the pig at a country fête — at so much a go. Proceeds to my favourite charity.
Dot Wordsworth
The Old Surgery, 180a Ashley Gardens, London SW1