WAR-OFFICE, June 15.—Memorandum—The half-pay of the undermentioned Officers has been cancelled from the 25th Dec. 1828, inclusive, on their receiving a commuted allowance for their commissions :—Ens. NV. Cooper, half-pay unattached ; Ens. J. Gre- gory, half-pay unattached. The half-pay of the undermentioned Officer has been can- celled from the 25th March, 1829, inclusive, on his receiving a commuted allowance for his commission :—Ens. NV. Bramtey, half-pay unattached. The half-pay of the under- mentioned Officers has been cancelled from the 16th of June, 1829, inclusive, on their re- ceiving a commuted allowance for their COMMISSIOnS :—Lieut. W. Fitzmaurice, half-pay 24th Light Dragoons ; Lieut. J. Pritchett, half-pay 2d Provisional Bat. of Militia; Ens. H. B. Ward, 39th Foot ; Cor. I. D'Arcy, half-pay lath Light Dragoons ; Ens. AV. A. Browne, half-pay 52d Foot; Ens. R. L. Brown, half-pay 60th Foot ; Ens. It. Ho- venden, half-pay fnh Foot ; Lieut. J. Butler, half-pay 22d Foot ; Lieut. P. Bunwerth, half-pay 44th Foot ; Lieut. G. J. Christie, half-pay unattached.