20 JUNE 1835, Page 20

Perils in the Ilbods,is a tale addressed to the young,

in order to impress upon the youthful mind a wholesome doula as regards Emigration. The framework is simple, the execution respeetable ; but the instances are singular and strained. A yeonetil awl hi; family, about to emigrate, eiwounter at Portsmouth the son of friend who hue entierated : it is fienel that his flatter and such of his family as are alive have returned; and the story of the hard- ships and inislin tunes they encountered is told by themselves round the different eel and slipper tables cousequeet upon their meeting.. The scenes are worked up wah s.ona ell. ct, mei there is a wel sustained interest in the ad (genres ; but thoueli many of the tit- stances of difficulty may be oceasionally true, ilea- are generally false, whether we regard the likelihood of their occurrence, or consider the possibility of guardIng against them by coalman prudence.