Tut: Useful Knowledge Society have engraved the tlit.oenos portrait of Suseseu.s.ue's, iu No. \N X''11. of their tr;alitry if Portraits. It is unquestionably the best, and indeed the only goad ewe, of those that are considered to be authentite TLe alinust mum-exists lit state of paitaing as a fine art among our countrymen in Sri 's tiine,act•outits fur the quaint :Anil et ins in the shape of veer:vines. and tine ab- sence of any painting that conveys an elletoece idea of the lineaments and expressimi of die great pot t of litomm neon e. All :twee in assigning to him a lofty:0;d expansive forehead, regular:nut well-tot turd
fem:turcs, and a luck of optineess, intelligence. It would have required a TITIAN to have eximr, s-, II 111 , micaming of such a fare.
In tine l'enxoos as that in tile hike ft. klSt.11A31.S et/i- ll:et:011 at ::',trAve is cant (I, Ow e;:1 nwi..11,.. forciaini, .• a donne of thought," is :clop-Altai 1:). a 1.01,1,•• !emu, ed face, placid, not front the abst nee of rissint,s, but frolli :r 1:(111;11/11.1 I,:de ince and healthful ac- tion; eyes lull and cell op,umed, ;mmul exinessive el whir ohs, rvation and
deep relleution. "Ike ctuutb, a'; is the roe with nearly ;All portraits, is the most defective part; but the site end forma of the Imps are in
keeeilig with the gt :mod char:Jett r of tie: utter features. l lit re al e no hard lines, or narrow m:ukitt;;<--the irore: of petty personal feclinue• or peeilliatities of idiosyneraey ; all is broad, massive, trametil, mid genial. In short, the countemowe is elairateeristic of the universality of So..este:se::'s ;tams, I.i, Loot and liberal humanity, and his pt.- fluidity or thought and feeling. The cirgrunbin by Senn- I.N, 1.,0:111tifay eXrellted ; but its greatest merits censist in I he spirit and fidelity snith tt Licit the character of the
original is ereoried. which is a copy in oils, on a reduced sole, of the picture at Stowe, tiny be seen at the publisher's, 1100yot, in Pall A1n.11 East. There is also a copy here of another portrait of Stleascle% he when older, which, though its expression is not so fine, accords in its main features with the ('lIANDOS portrait.