20 JUNE 1835, Page 6


There was an amusing ( 'onservative farce enacted on Tuesakij atat- noon in Alarylebone. About a hundred persons collected, and after professing themselves Reformers—of the Tory school of course—voted sundry resolutions, the principal and most important of which was, "that the proceedings of the meeting be printed and advertised in the Times, the .1/. ritirey Pest, the Morning 11[,-old, mid Standard newspapers." The thing was a wretched failure ; and we should not have noticed it at all, butt fur the purpose of statilig, that there is no truth in ..!le fid:owing statement, which foots the tail of the Times report : " There was one remaikable feature about this meeting, which tends to prove most sataactorily the spread of Conservative principles —namely, that sev2 nil members of the association belonged, until lately, to what is called the liberal party, A greet majority of those present belonged, as our reporter was informed, to the Whig school of politics."


On Thursday morning, there was a numerous meeting of the Town- clerks of various Corperations, at the British Coffeehouse, summoned for the purpose of adopting measures for opposing the Corporate Bill. The mei. tier; was considered strictly private.—Courier. [This is laughable. The Town-Clerks had better submit with a good grace to their inevitalde removal ; and perhaps some half-dozen may have the luck to be al:pc:wed by the II: formed Town. Comicils.1 Mr. John Sla•nhe:11 was t aerial a )hector of the Last India Um- pony, en WedneLday, in the nonn of Mr. Coda,- Fergus000. The

Committee of his opponent, Mr. Warden, forwarded proxies for Mr. Warden without specifically stating the amount of stock held by each proprietor ; and the Court of Directors, after consulting their counsel, Sergeant Spankie, decided that the proxies could only be registered as single votes. It is said that this may lead to disputes as to the validity of the ballot and election.

Colonel Evans will not resign his scat for Westminster in cense- quence of t tking the command of the force about to be levied in this country for the Queen of Spain. The Colonel does not intend to quit the country just yet, and expects to return before the next session of Parliament. Ile evidently anticipates milking quick work with the Rebels.

The members of the Literary Fond Society dined together, at the Freemason's Tavern, on We Inesday ; the Duke of Somerset im the chair. Among the other distinguished guests, were Lord Teigninouth Mr. Wilkie, .Jr. Lockhart, Al r. Vernon Smith, Sir John Barrow, Dr. Roget, Air. Alacrearly, and Mr. Wyse. The amount of subscrip- tions ammo:wed was consider:LILL, including kW. horn the King, and 30/. from the Dutehess of Kent.