The neighbourhood of the Broadway, Great Chapel, and Orchard Streets,
Westminster, was, on Sunday evening, in a complete state of uproar, from the number of drunken and disorderly soldier); of the Guards rolling about and insulting every person within their reach. One of them, about eight, was observed passing through York Street, in a drunken state, with his bayonet in his band, uttering most obscene and disgusting langitege. Mrs. Howe, a respeetable woman residing in that street, was attacked by him, and had great difficulty in escaping. He attacked another young ‘voinan with his bayonet ; but she evaded the thrust. He then thrust his bayonet into the stilt coed front of Mr. Stearmates house, and staggered away, with Ilk bayonet still (Imam The moment Al r. Stearman heard of the outrage, he applied at the lircllineton Barracks, St. James's Park, for aid to take the fellow into custody ; but so cavalierly was be treated, that he saw there was no hope of redress. These facts, should it be necessary, can be fully established by several respectable inhabitants of the neighbourhood, who are daily suffering from the insolent and unprovoked modulo of the Foot Guards stationed in and about AVestminster.—elbraved frown the iforaing
On Saturday night, a very ancient tree, in the scholar's playground, Diem's Yard, Westinioster, broke ()ft' near the loot, and fell with great force against the house Of one of the clergymen connected with the Cathedral. On it; striking the house. it again snapped towards the top, and broke the iron rails and the gas-I:stop, sraitslied the Venetian blinds and several windows, made a large hole in the wall in the centre of the Loos:., mid terribly alarmed its inmates.
On Monday, a per,on respectably dressed, supposed to he insane, threw himself over tine area railings of a house in: Lancaster Place, Strand, to the ground below, %vhich is nearly on a level with the Thames, a distance of about sixty feet. Ile was heard groaning, sins! was taken by a policeman to the Station-house Ile appeared to have sustained but little injury. Ile had plenty of money in his pocket.